Acid rain is caused by many different things. Human activities, such as the emission of greenhouse gases, or maybe by processes in oceans, tectonics, volcanoes or solar radiation. Global warming, which is connected to climate change, has been observed for several years.
Acid rain means precipitation, as rain, snow, or sleet, containing relatively high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals, as the pollutants from coal smoke, chemical manufacturing, and smelting. Acid rain contains nitrogen and sulfur oxides.
Acid rain can cause buildings, statues and bridges to deteriorate faster than usual. Which means the get worse in shape quicker. Acid rain also kills wild life and affects lakes and streams. Also, damages soil, it harms people because they breathe in the toxins of the acid rain.
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change. Scientists say humans are a dominant force. When our plants suffers an energy imbalance and gains or loses heat it causes global temps. to change. This is the most serious problem we have to deal with in the 21 st century.
A long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature.
A few degrees increase in the Earth’s temperature can cause droughts and crop failures, ecosystem imbalances, as well as melting ice caps causing sea levels to rise above usual.
Definition: A increase in the Earth’s average atmospheric. Cause: the spread of methane gases from arctic tundra and wetlands. Also, droughts Future Effects: The melting of ice will cause sea levels to rise and would be a problem for lowland lands like Florida.
Resolution: Canada has passed laws to limit the amount of burning fossil fuels. Also the U.S has funded research for new energy sources that will be less harmful the people and the environment. edia/climate-change-animation
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