Comprehensive Art Regents Exam 5 OF YOUR ART WORKS AND AN ESSAY ABOUT THEM
THE TEST You need to take the New York City Comprehensive Art Examination in order to receive your diploma from this school. You must sit for the examination on Thursday, June 14, from 1:15-4:15. There are materials that must be submitted no later than Friday, May 25, That is 2 weeks from today.
May 25? You’ve been given: A letter about the exam, addressed to your parents. Attachment B- A. PRESENTATION OF ARTWORK Attachment C- REFLECTIVE ESSAY Attachment D- REFLECTIVE ESSAY – RUBRIC
ATTACHMENT B You need to select 5 of your artworks from one area of specialization. The artwork can be from any of the Cartooning & Animation classes you have taken since entering the school. The artwork can have been created independently, as long as it falls within the Cartooning and Animation category. I need the list of the 5 artworks you have selected today. If you do not have the Attachment B paper with you, I will accept the list on a piece of paper. PUT YOUR NAME AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. In many cases, I will need this list, in order to print your work.
ATTACHMENT B When listing your work, I need the following information: Title, Subject, Medium, & Size. Additionally, on a sheet of paper which is NOT ATTACHMENT B, I need to know If the piece was created for this class or another. Tell me which pieces you already have, and which pieces I should print.
ATTACHMENT C Once the list for the PRESENTATION OF ARTWORK has been prepared, make a copy for yourself, so that you remember what you are going to submit. You are going to write the FIRST DRAFT of the REFLECTIVE ESSAY on ATTACHMENT C, today.
ATTACHMENT C The essay is to be written about the artwork you are submitting for the exam. You are to write approximately 350 words. Since this essay is to be completed before sitting for the exam, I highly recommend that you type the final copy. Write a draft and then a final copy.
ATTACHMENT C Explain how your style developed. How did you select the themes in your artwork? Why did you select the materials used? Would you make the same choices today? This is your opportunity to talk about yourself as an artist. Talk about your influences, including other artists, life events and cultural encounters.
ATTACHMENT D This is the rubric by which the essay will be graded. The essay is 10 points of the whole. There is not one student in this class who cannot get all 10 points on this essay. Look over the rubric, so that YOU KNOW what you have to do to get the maximum points.
Important This is exam is VERY IMPORTANT. When you hand me materials, make sure that I know what you’re giving me. Make sure that your name is on EVERYTHING. Give time and attention to pulling this all together. Keep in mind that the deadline for the 5 pieces of artwork and is in two weeks. I would like to have all artwork, forms and essays IN MY HANDS by Friday, May 18, a week from today.
Printing That means that throughout this coming week, I will be visiting Staples and where necessary, printing work. It also means that I will be collecting, throughout the week, existing work. I appreciate your help in helping me to help you.