RoboKnights Senior Cyborgs
The Medwatch In The Beginning!
The Medwatch Now!
The Medwatch In Use
The Medwatch The Medwatch is a medicine dispenser that we thought of for Alzheimer's patients to help them remember to take their pills. Our device will alert the user to take their pills and it will also dispense the correct pills at the correct time as well as display a correct picture.
The Medwatch’s Cost and Materials Logic Controller from Automation Direct - $69.00 Case for Medwatch from Sparkfun Screen for Medwatch from Nintendo $9.95 5 Release Mechanisms from SW Company- $1.50 Speaker from Radio Shack ($0.50 each) -2 for $1.00 Total Cost to make $91.40
Facts that matter (1) 51% of seniors take 5 or more medications 1 in 4 seniors take medications The average senior takes 2-7 pills daily Forgetting medications is the fourth leading cause of death Forgetting medications is responsible for 100,000 deaths yearly 1 billion dollars are spent in hospitals in the US, just because of medication accidents!
Facts that Matter (2) The frequency of dementia increases with age. The percentage of those with dementia doubles with each 5 year increase in age. 20% of those over 75 years old will show severe symptoms of Dementia.
Research about Medication Dispensers Distributer of dispensers similar to what we are proposing med-e-lert-automatic-pill-dispenser-with- alarm.aspx med-e-lert-automatic-pill-dispenser-with- alarm.aspx Companies that make the dispensers matic-pill-dispenser.html matic-pill-dispenser.html
Research about Alzheimer’s We found information in Tangled Minds: Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias by Muriel R. Gillick At We learned about signs and symptoms, stages, diagnosis, research progress, treatment and care of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. At We found more information about the incidence of the disease. At We found information about mishaps with medication.
People We Have Contacted About Our Device We interviewed caregivers and patients from Bellemont Village with questions about the effectiveness of our Medwatch. Example Questions: Caregivers: How many pills do the patients take? About 5-6 pills and vitamins daily. Patients : Do you think medicine dispensers would be useful to you? Yes, for those that are independent.
More Contacts… We telecommunicated with Craig Kaiser, a project manager from AT&T about our device. GA Tech contact Assisted Living providers in Cumming area Contacted Siemens Inc. about our product – was told to provide a drawing and to get a patent.
More Contacts… We ed Josh Franklin from Cornerstone Therapeutics about our device. We discussed options on how to help seniors with our senior partner, Charles Bokowy. We contacted Express Scripts to determine the usefulness of the Medwatch. We discussed our device with Dr. Vanderpool a pharmacist. We discussed our device with Dr. Vallejo a geriatric doctor.
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