I NTRODUCTION Worldwide Leader in Trendy Designer Wear History of helping out our community inspired us to start our new campaign - Mr. Marcus’ donating clothing to a young college graduate for her new job Campaign to ensure our local Dallas Children have adequate clothing for back to school Help to alleviate parents of the rising education costs Ensure that kids will have proper clothing for the colder months Prevent Bullying
P OVERTY IN D ALLAS “The Census Bureau study findings in 2011 ranked Texas as 6th highest in the nation with 17.3 percent” Economically disadvantaged children make up nearly 78 percent of the district's enrollment this year, closely trailing the Dallas school district, which has an 84 percent poverty rate. Irving Homeless students at the end of school year: 1,005
“socioeconomic factors such as family income, neighborhood poverty, parental education levels, and parental occupation are more significant in explaining differences in educational achievement than traditional factors such as race, ethnicity, and immigrant status.”
F ASHION SHOW FUNDRAISER Neiman Marcus will host a fashion show To raise donations to help the under- privileged kids May 21, 2014 Invite loyal upscale customers to attend the event via June 21, 2014 Fashion Show event featuring the next season’s latest fashion Save the Date
FUNDS InCircle credits point donated Credit card holders Fashion show tickets sold Top tiers customers Sponsorship fees 10 companies 2% gross profit proceeds from the 1-week sales proceeds campaign
Fashion Show2 Percent sales, clothing donation 05/15/ /01/2014 Planning 05/15-05/17 Talk to the Neiman Marcus CEO about the project. 05/17-05/29 1. Create flyer/invitation for the fashion show 2. Give it to the customers of the Neiman Marcus members. Put our clothing-drive boxes in every Neiman Marcus store. 05/30-06/10 1. Train staffs 2. decorate the show site. Train staffs 06/11-06/20 1. Remind our customers via 2. Ask companies to put their ads. 3. Advertise the fashion show, donation event by putting ad in all the Neiman Marcus stores. Advertise the 2% donation event 6/21/ /06-07/15 Fashion Show1. Pick up donation clothes from Stores 2. Give donation to the non-profit organizations Timetable for the event
R ESOURCES Fashion show Fliers/ advertisements in stores Staffing for the event Physical facilities Insurance Clothing Security Other miscellaneous
B ENEFITS Raise awareness for poverty among Neiman Marcus customers Community Social benefits Relieve financial burdens to low-income families Collaboration with non-profit organizations Students will gain confidence at school Donations $754, Clothing
11 Budget Income Credit Card Points Conversion to Cash ($75,000) Sponsorship Advertisement Revenue ($20,000) 2% of Gross Profit for one Week ($644,725.42) Fashion Show Ticket Sales ($30,000) Expenses Fashion Cost ($2,810) Donation Cost ($5,192) Physical Facilities ($5,100) Advertising ($5,000)
12 Budget Total Income Expenses Profits 769, (15,292.00) 754,433.42