This is your 30-Second DPN “Promising Practice” Training Enjoy!Enjoy! Click here to begin
Opening All the Doors to the One-Stop Career Center System Under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the public workforce system provides the framework for delivery of workforce system activities at the state and local levels to individuals who need those services. In this legislation, Congress and the U.S. Department of Labor have made it clear that persons with disabilities are among the people who are suppose to benefit from this restructuring. WIA incorporates seven key principles, one focusing on universal access: All job seekers are to be given universal access to a core set of career decision-making and job search tools. Click here
What is Universal Access and as a DPN how can you help achieve it in the One-Stop Career Center System? It’s a doorway to another universe; you build It from a kit you order online. By creating an accessible universe starting with the One-Stop Career Center. The ability of all people to have equal opportunity and access to a service or product from which they can benefit, regardless of their social class, ethnicity, ancestry or physical disability. Read the DPN Promising Practice Brief on achieving a more welcoming, integrated and accessible One-Stop Career Center system.
Not exactly! Try Again… We couldn’t find a doorway to another universe, but here is the online, build it yourself time travel kit that allows you and/or Uncle Rico to go back to 1982 and win the big game.
You are kind of correct... but keep going! With the addition of Disability Program Navigators in One-Stop Career Centers across the nation, universal access did move into the spotlight.
Good answer Don’t stop now! Although WIA’s mandate of universal access should have opened the doors to job seekers with disabilities, achieving it in One-Stop Career Centers has been challenging. So try again to learn how as a DPN, you can help achieve it?
Click here to end show One underlying approach used to broaden universal access by DPNs nationwide is outreach. By reaching out to local disability communities and other community-based providers, DPNs can learn how the public workforce system can better meet the employment needs of job seekers with disabilities and/or other employment challenges. Read the DPN Promising Practice Information Brief, Achieving a more welcoming, integrated and accessible One-Stop Career Center system, to learn more about how DPNs throughout the country are helping to expand universal access in One-Stop Career Centers (including using 30-second trainings) for a more diverse population of job seekers.Achieving a more welcoming, integrated and accessible One-Stop Career Center system You are awesome! Click here to find more DPN Promising Practices Click here to find more DPN Promising Practices