Applying PBL in Computing - Potential and Challenge Ranald Macdonald Head of Academic Development Learning and Teaching Institute Sheffield Hallam University
“If students are to learn desired outcomes in a reasonably effective manner, then the teacher’s fundamental task is to get students to engage in learning activities that are likely to result in their achieving those outcomes... It is helpful to remember that what the student does is actually more important in determining what is learned than what the teacher does” (Thomas J. Shuell 1986) “Constructive alignment” -aligning objectives, teaching and assessment -intention of a deep approach to learning. (Biggs 1999)
“Problem-based learning is thus an approach to learning that is characterised by flexibility and diversity in the sense that it can be implemented in a variety of ways in and across different disciplines in diverse contexts … what will be familiar will be the focus of learning around problem scenarios rather than discrete subjects.” (Savin-Baden, 2000)
Key characteristics of PBL Learning starts with a problem, question, or scenario to be investigated Self-directed learning in small teams or individually Promotes team work and social skills Knowledge/information is acquired to apply to the solution of problems Relates to the ‘real’ world and professional practice with consequent complexity Teachers are facilitators, coaches or guides
What is a problem? Understanding a puzzling phenomenon is a problem How to find a better way to do something is a problem The best way to design or build something is a problem How to create an artistic work is a problem A problem can best be thought of as a goal where the correct path to its solution is not known. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Stages in PBL Encounter and define the problem –What do I already know? –What do I need to know? –What resources can I make use of? Access, evaluate and utilise information Synthesize, report and evaluate
Approaches to curriculum design for PBL Full integration across a whole programme Cross disciplinary Within a single subject Single modules/units Individual class sessions or activities Mixed approaches Hybrid systems Others?
Examples of PBL Medical schools (Hawaii, McMaster, Linköping, Glasgow) Professions allied to medicine (nursing, physiotherapy, radiography) Business and Management (Ohio, Maastricht, Breda, Plymouth) Architecture (Melbourne, East London) Engineering (Monash, Coventry, Stanford, Manchester) Law (Sydney, Maastricht) English (Manchester) Others?
Creating the ill-structured problem There is missing information Each problem is unique – no fixed formula Choose a relevant scenario The situation is ‘messy’ With more information the problem changes There is no single ‘right’ answer – students make decisions and provide solutions to real- world problems Problems need to be engaging, difficult and useful
On being a coach/facilitator (D Woods 1996) In PBL the coach/facilitator brings out the best from the group by: asking leading and open-ended questions helping students reflect on the experiences they are having monitoring progress challenging their thinking raising issues that need to be considered stimulating, encouraging and creating and maintaining a warm, safe atmosphere
The essential feature of a teaching system designed to emulate professional practice is that the crucial assessments should be performance-based, holistic, allowing plenty of scope for students to input their own decisions and solutions. (Kingsland 1995)
What can go wrong! Tutors will not give up control and ‘power’ Students perceive PBL as ‘hard work’ rather than ‘better learning’ Clear learning objectives are not agreed by tutors and problems are poorly thought out Assessment still encourages memorisation and ‘the correct answer’ No time for independent study or development of appropriate student skills A transmission model of teaching is not replaced by a learning facilitation one