The template site was designed so that if a school principal chose they could task someone other than the webmaster to maintain the content of the website.


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Presentation transcript:

The template site was designed so that if a school principal chose they could task someone other than the webmaster to maintain the content of the website. The templates let the webmaster maintain the site design by locking the navigation and other design areas and providing editable regions for users to modify in Contribute.

In order to change the layout of the homepage you must edit the homepage template (file name: schoolhomepage.dwt). The home page has several styles that are used only on the home page so a second style sheet is attached called schoolhomepage.css. The styles from schooltemplate_3colum_trnl.css still apply unless a new rule for the same tag is applied in the schoolhomepage.css stylesheet. For example, if you wanted the heading tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.) to appear differently on the homepage you could create a style in the schoolhomepage style sheet. Because the school home page style sheet is only applied to documents created with the homepage template it will not effect the other pages in your site.

The homepage image is modified from the homepage itself – not in the homepage template. We set the image size parameters with the template but make the actual link to the image editable. The homepage template is a “nested” template meaning it is a template within a template. Pages created from the nested template are updated whenever changes are made to either template. In the example of our homepage template: Changes made to the schoolhomepage.dwt file only effect the index file. However, changes made to the main template will also effect the index page (as well as all other pages in the site). When you create a new editable region in your nested template it locks all other regions. This is how you lock the layout of the homepage but make the content editable.

Because this is the homepage template, you don’t need to have the Home link displayed so use the template properties to hide the optional region. Select Modify | Template Properties... Uncheck the Show homelink checkbox to change the value from true to false and then click OK.

To modify the homepage image from the index page: 1.Select Modify | Template Properties. 2.Browse to the image you would like to include on the homepage.