Lab Values of Normal Patients
Red blood cell count Male 5.4 million per cubic millimeter Female 4.8 million per cubic millimeter Platelet count 300,000 per cubic millimeter
White blood cells 7000 per cubic millimeter Eosinophils 1% of white blood cells Basophils 1% of white blood cells Lymphocytes 30% of white blood cells Monocytes 6 to 8% of white blood cells
Blood PH 7.35-7.45 Whole blood gases Capacity 17-24 volume%
Arterial Saturation 96-100% of capacity PCO2 35- 45 mmHg PO2 75-100 mmHg Bicarbonate, norm 24-28 mEq/L Base excess +2 to -2 (+-2 mEq/L)
Venous Saturation 60-85% of capacity PCO2 40- 54 mmHg PO2 20-50 mmHg Bicarbonate norm 22-28 mEq/L
Urine PH 4.5- 8.0 6 is average Specific gravity 1.005 - 1.030 1.015- 1.025 norm Aldosterone 2 - 26 micro/ 24hrs Amylase 4 - 37 U/L 2hrs Bilirubin and bile neg. – 0.02 Mg/dl
Calcium 7.4 Meq/24 hrs Chloride 70- 250 Meq/24 hrs Magnesium 15- 300 Mg/ 24 hrs Phosphorus 0.9- 1.3 Mg/ 24 hrs Potassium 25- 120 Meq/24 hrs
Sodium 40- 220 Meq/24 hrs Glucose 0 5- Hydroxyindoleacetic 2- 10 Mg/24 hrs acid Ketones 0 Ammonia 30- 50 Meq/24 hrs
Lab values Creatinine clearance 100- 200 ML/min Creatinine Male 20- 26 Mg/kg/24hr Creatinine Female 14- 16 Mg/kg/24hr Protein 0- 5 Mg/dl/24hr Urea 6- 17 G/24hr Uric acid 0.25- 0.75 G/24hr Osmolality 200- 1,200 Mosm/1 Porphobilinogen 0.2 Mg/24hrs
Steroids 17- hydroxycorticosteroids Male 5-15 Mg/24hrs 17- hydroxycorticosteroids Female 3- 13 Mg/24hrs 17- ketosteroids Male 8- 25 Mg/24hrs 17- ketosteroids Female 5- 15 Mg/24hrs Urobilinogen 0- 4 Mg/24hrs Vanillylmandelic acid 1.5- 7.5 Mg/24hrs
Cerebrospinal fluid Cell count 0- 8 Mm3 Chloride 118- 132 Meq/l Culture No organisms Glucose 40- 80 Mg/dl Pressure 75- 175 Cm water Protein 15- 45 Mg/dl Sodium 145- 150 Mg/dl