MAWG – Africa Malaria Day January GSK, London
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Africa Malaria Day is dedicated to raising awareness about malaria. The concept originated at the African Summit on Malaria in Abuja, Nigeria (25 April 2000) where African leaders from 44 malaria-endemic countries, seeking to highlight the gravity of the malaria situation on the continent, declared that 25 April of each year would be commemorated as Africa Malaria Day. Africa Malaria Day is an opportunity for ALL countries to reaffirm their commitment to reduce the burden of this disease and for the broader malaria community to show solidarity with countries battling against this scourge. Every year, Roll Back Malaria partners choose a common theme and slogan for the occasion. The RBM Partnership Secretariat hosts a dedicated website and helps coordinate and publicize partners' events. Africa Malaria Day 25 April
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Africa Malaria Day: themes and slogans Africa Malaria Day 2001 The first Africa Malaria Day Africa Malaria Day 2001 Africa Malaria Day 2002 "Mobilizing Communities to Roll Back Malaria" Africa Malaria Day 2002 Africa Malaria Day 2003 "Roll Back Malaria, Protect Women and Children" Africa Malaria Day 2003 Africa Malaria Day 2004 "A Malaria-Free Future: Children for Children to Roll Back Malaria" Africa Malaria Day 2004 Africa Malaria Day 2005 "Unite Against Malaria: Together We Can Beat Malaria" Africa Malaria Day 2005 Africa Malaria Day 2006 "Get your ACT Together. Universal Access to Effective Malaria Treatment is a Human Right!" Africa Malaria Day 2006
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Challenges + Opportunities Africa Malaria Day ? Malaria Awareness Day ? World Malaria Day ? Blue Ribbons ? Fighting Malaria Together: Saving Lives Providing Hope Making the Money Work :Funding the Gap Country successes UNICEF:GFATM Template for follow up WMD etc
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Advocacy Environment Since 2004 there has been a significant increase in dedicated, targeted malaria advocacy Expansion in number and diversity of partners engaged in advocacy Substantial new financial resources for advocacy (Gates and GSK funded advocacy initiatives) New national and global coalitions Global Advocacy Framework endorsed by RBM Partners (via recent Board approval) provides structure and sets direction Increased overall funding for malaria (GFATM, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, PMI, World Bank) Strong commitment to working in partnership (stemming from the Change Initiative) creates opportunity for strong, joined-up advocacy efforts
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Advocacy Priorities Donor funding to increase from estimated $1 billion to $3 billion annually Increase success rate for Global Fund malaria grants (only 31% of malaria applications were approved in round 6) and ensure that existing grants are well spent Endemic countries to commit more money and resources towards fighting malaria US Congress to approve PMI funding Transparency and accountability of donors and partners as called for in the Dakar Appeal Harmonized partner inputs
Malaria Advocacy Working Group Meeting January GSK, London
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | RBM Working Groups Decision 11th Board meeting: Agreed on the proposed purpose and role of Working Groups within the Partnership Definition: WGs purpose to generate alignment among Partners on key strategic issues critical for scaling up malaria control 1.Approaches, mechanisms and best practices 2.Coordination or harmonized implementation support
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | RBM Working Groups Membership: Open to all active and interested RBM Partners Terms of Reference: TORs of each Working Group are approved by the RBM Board Working Group may propose changes to its TORs when it feels such changes are necessary Partnership Budget for 2007 inc. funding 9 WGs for Arrangement and planning 2 annual meetings Venue costs Travel of Secretariat staff Limited Travel subsidies for endemic country participants ( ?)
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | RBM Working Groups Process for governing WGs Workplans developed based on annual RBM priorities + TORs Workplans (activities and deliverables) presented to Board for endorsement Working Groups share progress with Board throughout year Present outputs for endorsement
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Criteria for review of WG mandates May 2007 Board: WGs mandates reviewed each year by Board TORs still valid? Members still active? Work-plan in place? Right level of administrative & financial support?
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG – supporting "joined up" malaria advocacy Purpose: To provide advice to Partnership, Partnership Sec and Board on advocacy strategy + materials, provide up-to- date info on opportunities for effective advocacy and facilitate advocacy activities at global and national levels. To ensure wide dissemination of accurate info on current resource allocations to inform the malaria community of current status and allow accountability both by donors and implementers
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG Functions Advise Partnership on advocacy strategy Coordinate partner advocacy messages via semi annual meetings Collaborative planning and implementation of activities between RBM partners Maintain communication with other WGs to ensure coherent messaging and inclusion Identify opportunities and key issues for advocacy and engage members via Task Teams Assist in disseminating financial info on commitments, disbursements and changes in core indicators for increased accountability Facilitate capacity building at country level for improved advocacy via sub regional networks Mobilize funding for identified annual events i.e. G8, WEF, - advise on prioritization Facilitate commissioning of info gathering for effective advocacy
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG Co Chairs, Steering Committee ( 6 Member) Approve meeting agendas and locations Approve request for membership TOR Modification if needed Communicates with RBM partnership Board and Sec on behalf of MAWG, Task Teams may be set up – with clearly identified tasks – and will report back to MAWG
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG Work Planning – by February 2007 Based on Board recommendations i.e. 1) Enhancing Country Performance: Exemplified by Richard Feachem’s challenge to measurably address country performance, namely 50% plus success rate for malaria applications in round 7, 100% GFATM phase 2 renewal success rates, 80% of malaria grants are considered high performing (class A or B1).
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG Work Planning For functions listed in WG TOR ( table to summarize ) products and services (the purpose and goal of WG function), objectives (describing how the function will benefit the Partnership achieve its objectives), indicators (how achieving the goals are measured) targets 2007 and method of measurement. Further details ( table to summarize) activities provide a brief description of activity content indication of delivery dates (by quarter) and a non-personnel cost items (travel, events, others and total)
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | MAWG WORK PLANNING March "Donor" meeting – showcasing 4 to 5 countries – good plans, progress in implementation, demonstrate what extra $$ could do Liberia Appeal : UnitAid have provided support - next steps Amsterdam High Level Buyer Subsidy Meeting on ACTs
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Priorities *Funding: GF, PMI, IDA-14 Accountability and transparency Global and local integration *Success Research (including operational research) and development (TDR focal point) Integration with Harmonization Working Group Systemic change ACT subsidy, GF (lifesaving), IMF, TRP
RBM Partnership MAWG Meeting | January | Activities TDR&MC: operational and implementation research Funding Target leadership to push for full, sustainable funding for malaria.African ambassadors