Use a Graphic Organizer to Teach Critical Thinking Skills Gail Corder Technology Coordinator Trinity Valley School Fort Worth, Texas
Why Graphic Organizers? Helps students understand relationships between concepts Gives students ownership of the information Allows students to create a visual representation of the concepts
Uses Throughout the Curriculum Can be used in every discipline Recommend grade levels 3 – 12 Useful for professional and personal planning
English/Language Arts
Social Studies
Foreign Language
Music and Art
Music Teacher, Lorraine Cich (Thomas Jefferson School)
Research and Planning
Best Uses In the hands of the students Stress relationships between concepts Ask good questions Analyze Classify Compare Diagnose Plan Reorganize Predict Rank Justify Evaluate
My Graphic Organizer Site Graphic Organizer Software –Software for purchase –Free software –Software alternatives Lesson Plans –Printable graphic organizers –Sample Concept maps Assessment