What is digital citizenship? Discussion In what ways do you use the internet? How can the internet be used in a positive and negative way? What does digital citizenship mean to you? Be a digital citizen by Xin Zhang Thoughts on what was in the video?
Digital Citizenship in our Lives Digital Citizenship comes into play in the following settings: Commerce Work Education Research Everyday Life
Commerce Buying Selling Advertising Banking
Work Communication Networking Jobs Employment
Education Online Learning Knowledge Projects Online Learning Communities Connecting with the World Educational Blogging
Research Research for Work Research for Education Research for Personal Use
Everyday Life Communication with Family & Friends Purchasing Banking Self-Help Travel Games Sharing Media Cooking Fitness
How can you be a good digital citizen? Etiquette Access Responsibility, Respect & Law Using Internet Effectively Communication Private
Etiquette What is (n)etiquette? The polite and proper way to act when using the internet. Proper posting of words, pictures & videos (yours and others) Respecting other people’s opinions Understanding the ways your words, pictures & videos may be perceived by others Story of teen from Alabama: Story of Justine Sacco (PR Executive) fired for tweet that read “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white.”
Access Access and use of… Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIN) Video/Picture Sharing (You Tube, Snap Chat, Drop Box, Flickr) Various Device (Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Computers) Websites
Responsibility, Respect & Law Do’s Use information on the net with respect for copyright laws Use other people’s pictures and videos with permission Use other people’s opinions and words with proper citation Protect your identity and personal information Knowledge of internet security Know your employers internet policies & when personal use of social media is acceptable Don’ts Slander, spread hate, bully, gossip, spread rumours
Using the internet effectively Knowing how and when to use the internet and digital devices in various settings: Work Personal Education Knowing how to effectively use search engines Knowing the validity of internet information and websites Know how to build a positive digital footprint for career purposes Activity – google your name…make sure you are leaving a positive trail!
Communication Anyway that we directly or indirectly communicate with other people via the internet.
Private Understanding your privacy and respecting other people’s privacy is your responsibility. Understand the privacy setting on social media sites Respecting the privacy of others when posting or reposting
Digital Footprints Ways that you could create a positive digital footprint: Blogging Sharing appropriate pictures and videos E-Portfolios Linkedin Digital Projects Positive Social Media Interactions Make News – in the right way
E-Portfolios Formats: Wix Weebly Live Binders Word Press Career Cruising Sask Careers
Why have an e-portfolio? To summarize and showcase your awards, achievements, volunteerism, education, work experience, skills, hobbies, interests, experiences, reference, etc. To bring to a job interview To send to potential employers To create a positive online profile To market yourself To use for post-secondary job applications To gain an advantage over others when looking for employment
How to Build an Online Portfolio How to build an online portfolio by Mediabistro -