Wind Energy Development in Greece
HWEA Wind Energy Statistics May 2012 The HWEA Wind Energy Statistics take into account the wind capacity which is in commercial or test operation in Greece and it is based on sources from the market actors.
HWEA Wind Energy Statistics May 2012
5 months
HWEA Wind Energy Statistics May 2012 Total new capacity installed in 2010: 166,75 MW Total new capacity installed in 2011 : 320,40 MW
HWEA Wind Energy Statistics May 2012
RES National Action Plan
RES National Action Plan
Investments needed
A huge (5+ billion euros) plan for grid reinforcement and islands interconnections
Licensing process before and after law 3851/2010 The main milestones: Production License by RAE Environmental Impact Approval Interconnection Terms by the Operator Installation License Interconnection Agreement Power Purchase Agreement Operation License The main milestones: Production License by RAE Environmental Impact Approval Interconnection Terms by the Operator Installation License Interconnection Agreement Power Purchase Agreement Operation License
RES Feed In Tariffs Annual adjustment with the 50% of the inflation of the previous year 3% of the turnover for the local societies 10% of the turnover for the Market Operator
RES Development within the last years
RES investments in Greece Total Capacity installed at the end of the year Annual Capacity installed Annual Investments MW mil. €% % % % 39691% % 44011% % 55827% % % end Sept % %
RES in Greece Target 2020 Target 2014 Target 2020
RES Projections Wind EnergyPV
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