Revenue Sales Turnover Profit Describe what each of the above terms mean
1. Sales or Asset Sale This is probably the most widely understood revenue stream. The customer purchases an asset from a company for an agreed price. Examples include, Amazon selling books, Apple selling phones, and Boeing selling airplanes. 2. Usage Fee Here the customer pays for using a service provided by the company. Effectively the customer is paying on a per-use basis. Examples include, a school sports hall hired out from a local theatre company. 3. Lending/Renting/Leasing Here the customer gains the right to use the company’s product (the asset) or service for a fixed period of time. At the end of the agreed period of time the asset must be returned to the company. Examples include car leasing companies where the customer leases a car for a fixed period (usually three years) and at the end of the period returns the car to the company, and in the UK, Love Film allows users to hire a fixed number of DVD’s during a calendar month. TASK: Draw up a powerpoint which explain each of the above types and think of which types of businesses use each.
Calculating Revenue
Sales = £400,000 Costs = £370,000 Profit or Loss?
Costs = £550,000 Sales = £535,000 Profit or Loss?