Writing the Body 3º BIL Global Classrooms. “Hamburger” Organizer.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing the Body 3º BIL Global Classrooms

“Hamburger” Organizer

Introduction: includes topic and brief statement on the country’s policy 1.Background: National and Foreign Policy 2.Specific actions taken by the government 3.Conventions and resolutions supported 4.Quotes from government officials Conclusion: country’s recommendations to committee on how best to resolve the issue

What should I include? A clear statement that articulates your country’s position on the IMF. Do you believe it needs reforms and in what areas? The rest of your body should have EVIDENCE to support this position. What is the relationship between the IMF and your country? Is your country happy with its representation (in voting), the lack of debt relief, and the clauses of conditionality?

So in particular…? Background on national and foreign policy Specific actions taken by the government Conventions and resolutions QUOTES and STATISTICS!!

Your first task WRITE A BODY PARAGRAPH THAT FOCUSES ON THE NATIONAL/FOREIGN POLICY Is your country a creditor or borrower country? What is the financial situation in your country? Why is it this way? Has your country given/received any loans? Do you have any outstanding payments? What are the financial policies in your country? Are they successful? Is the IMF restructuring some of these policies (as part of conditionality)? Are these conditions successful?

EXAMPLE 8% of the population of the world is over the age of 65. In St. Lucia, we have fewer old people than the world average, but it is still a big problem because we are a developing country and don’t have enough money to pay for pensions. Many children have to stay at home to care for their grandparents and can’t go to school. By the year 2050, 12% of our population will be over 65, which will be difficult for us. We also receive 2 million dollars a year from the United States. If the US has to spend more money on their aging population, they will not be able to help us which will cause problems for our economy.

Example Continued To deal with this problem on a national level, the St. Lucian Department of Health and Human Services has created the Administration of Aging. The president of AOA said, “We need to develop a comprehensive coordinated and cost- effective system of home and community-based services that help elderly individuals maintain their health and independence in their homes and communities.” AOA wants to help the younger population to take care of the aging population and help the elderly be more independent.

EXAMPLE II The Kingdom of Denmark believes that in order to end violence against women, nations must look to empower women in all aspects of society. This includes promoting equal gender roles in government, civil society, education and business. However, Denmark also recognizes the need to combat human rights abuses against women as they occur, and no nation is immune to gender violence.

EXAMPLE II In 2002, the Danish government launched an extensive action plan to combat domestic violence against women. The plan includes measures to help treat abused women, identify and prosecute the perpetrators, and incorporate professional medical and psychological staff into the rehabilitation process. The action plan reaches out out to both governmental and nongovernmental groups on the local level throughout the nation.

How is the body different from the introduction? More specific!! Includes: Quotes from government officials Statistics to back up your country’s position How your country has addressed (or tried to address) the problem

For now…. Write ONE PARAGRAPH OF THE BODY that discusses the situation in your country (national/foreign policy).

Class Activity Using your Background Guide, work with a partner to draft a body paragraph for TUNISIA.