WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Feature Menu Introducing the Selections Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning Writing Skills Focus
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Introducing the Selections What questions should you ask when you are shopping for a product?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Introducing the Selections Price is a consideration when you make a major purchase. However, other information is important, too! How long is the warranty? What’s included in the price? Is assembly required?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Introducing the Selections The documents for WarpSpeedNet and SweetPlayer represent sample advertising and supporting documents for purchasing Internet service and an MP3 player. [End of Section] When you understand how to read such documents carefully, you can make smart choices as a consumer.
When you buy something, how do you make the right choice? How can I figure out what’s best for me? monthly charges guarantee limited-time offer user’s agreement installation costs extended warranty WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
Consumer documents give you information that is fundamental, or essential, for making smart buying decisions. When you read and understand consumer documents, you can buy with confidence. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
directions product information Consumer documents include instruction manuals contracts warranties Extended Warranty Program Please take this opportunity to extend your warranty for three additional years. Your product is designed to last, but the Extended Warranty buys you additional confidence. To apply for the program, follow these simple steps within 60 days of the purchase of your unit: Log on to our support Website for full details on warranty conditions and pricing. Print and complete the application form, making sure to include your unit’s model and serial numbers. Attach a copy of your dated sales receipt, along with a copy of the UPC code from the product’s original packaging. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
The elements of something are the parts that make it up. Each consumer document has elements that indicate its kind. For example, a contract requires a signature and date: These are elements of a contract. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
Other types of consumer documents have other elements. Warranties explain a manufacturer’s responsibilities and tell you how to get a faulty product replaced or repaired. Directions and instructions often include lists of steps for you to follow. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
Besides elements, or parts, consumer documents also have features—characteristics that belong to a particular consumer document. For example, one cell phone service contract might include unlimited text messaging, while another charges for each message. The two contracts have different features. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
The elements of a consumer document are common to documents of the same kind. The features are what make a particular document unique. Example: A Warranty Ship to factory; return to store Return policy 60 days; 90 days; 1 yearLength of warranty FeaturesElements ConditionsNone; authorization required WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
Some features may be to your advantage, but some may not. [End of Section] Before you buy an item, read its consumer documents carefully. What do you mean these headphones have only a 90- day warranty? WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Informational Text Focus: Elements and Features of Consumer Documents
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning Skimming is reading quickly. When you skim, you get a general idea of the information in a text. Certain reading techniques can help you get the information you need from consumer documents. Many people quickly skim a newspaper to get a general sense of the day’s news.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning Scanning is looking for specific information. You might scan a newspaper’s sports section to find the scores for your favorite teams. Scanning saves time; you decide quickly whether a document contains information you need.
chapter titles Chapter 3: Extreme Weather Have you ever wondered what causes extreme, even dangerous, weather? This chapter explains how tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards occur. Tornadoes A tornado is a funnel-shaped column of air that rotates violently. Wind speeds can reach as high as 300 miles per hour. What Causes Tornadoes Tornadoes usually happen during thunderstorms. When you scan, you find information with the help of headings boldface & italics graphics subheadings WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning
Language Arts for Life Part I: Everyday Grammar Chapter 1 Common Problems....3 Sentence fragments Run-on sentences Chapter 2 Sentence Snarls Nonparallel structure Faulty syntax Chapter 3 Agreement Subject–verb Noun–pronoun Scan the following table of contents. Which chapter covers faulty syntax? Language Arts for Life Part I: Everyday Grammar Chapter 1 Common Problems....3 Sentence fragments Run-on sentences Chapter 2 Sentence Snarls Nonparallel structure Faulty syntax Chapter 3 Agreement Subject–verb Noun–pronoun WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning
Into Action: Use a chart like this one as you skim and scan. The chart will help you compare and contrast elements and features of consumer documents. [End of Section] SkimmingScanning Advertisement Service Agreement The ad does not give exact prices. It’s an ad for an Internet service provider. Document WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Reading Skills Focus: Skimming and Scanning
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Writing Skills Focus: Preparing for Timed Writing One of the selections you will read is an advertisement. As you read the ad, note which details are the most clear and helpful. [End of Section]
abide (with by) v.: accept and follow. authorization n.: official permission. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary disconnected v. used as adj.: not connected; cut off; separated. discontinued v. used as adj.: not continued; stopped; ended. liable adj.: legally responsible. WarpSpeedNet Documents SweetPlayer Documents
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary The builder must return to repair the wall of disconnected concrete blocks. The separated blocks make the building unsafe for continued use. What are some parts of a car that should never become disconnected?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When Jessi tried to call her best friend, a recorded message told her she’d reached a disconnected number. What happened? a.The number was busy. b.The number was no longer in service. c.Jessi got her friend’s voice mail.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When Jessi tried to call her best friend, a recorded message told her she’d reached a disconnected number. What happened? a.The number was busy. b.The number was no longer in service. c.Jessi got her friend’s voice mail.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary At outdoor tennis tournaments, play must be stopped, or discontinued, if it rains. Discontinued matches may start again when the weather clears up.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary After Mrs. Sanchez fell and injured herself, her travels were discontinued. What did Mrs. Sanchez do? a.She stopped taking trips. b.She traveled in a wheelchair. c.She took shorter trips.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary a.She stopped taking trips. b.She traveled in a wheelchair. c.She took shorter trips. Could you watch a discontinued television program? Why or why not? After Mrs. Sanchez fell and injured herself, her travels were discontinued. What did Mrs. Sanchez do?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary Buying a ticket gives you authorization, or official permission, to board the train.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary The bank teller explained to Timmy that he needed authorization from his parents before he could open an account. What did Timmy need? a.his parents’ Social Security numbers b.his parents’ knowledge c.his parents’ permission
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary The bank teller explained to Timmy that he needed authorization from his parents before he could open an account. What did Timmy need? a.his parents’ Social Security numbers b.his parents’ knowledge c.his parents’ permission Name some other activities that require a parent’s or guardian’s authorization.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When you play a sport, you’re expected to abide by all of the rules of the game. Why is it important to accept and follow those rules?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When Julia’s neighbor offered her a puppy, she said she’d have to abide by her parents’ decision. What did Julia mean? a.She’d convince her parents to let her have a puppy. b.She’d go along with whatever her parents said. c.She’d argue with her parents if they said no.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When Julia’s neighbor offered her a puppy, she said she’d have to abide by her parents’ decision. What did Julia mean? a.She’d convince her parents to let her have a puppy. b.She’d go along with whatever her parents said. c.She’d argue with her parents if they said no.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary When Todd’s home-run hit smashed through Mr. Reilly’s window, Todd knew he was liable for the damage. He apologized to Mr. Reilly and took full responsibility for getting the window repaired. When is a company liable for replacing or fixing a product that doesn’t work?
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary A certain store’s policy is that it is not liable for damage that happens to a product during shipping. What does this policy mean if you receive a damaged package? a.The store takes full responsibility for the damage. b.The store takes no responsibility for the damage. c.The store offers a partial refund.
WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Vocabulary a.The store takes full responsibility for the damage. b.The store takes no responsibility for the damage. c.The store offers a partial refund. A certain store’s policy is that it is not liable for damage that happens to a product during shipping. What does this policy mean if you receive a damaged package?
The End
Think of something you might want to purchase, such as a bicycle or an MP3 player. How do you decide which kind to buy? Record your ideas. WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents QuickWrite [End of Section]
Read with a Purpose
Read the WarpSpeedNet consumer documents to learn what subscribing to high-speed Internet service involves. [End of Section] WarpSpeedNet Documents/ SweetPlayer Documents Read the SweetPlayer consumer documents to determine their purpose.