PuttingZone Webinar: Putting – Drills for Skills
Sun Wind
Geoff Mangum’s PuttingZone™ The Show begins at the end of 3 minutes of music. Fleet Foxes, Sun It Rises Let’s get this show on the road!
Welcome to Geoff Mangum’s PuttingZone Golf’s most advanced putting instruction – combining the best techniques from golf history with modern sciences of physics, anatomy, biomechanics, motor learning, and especially neuroscience for brain- body perception and movement for reading greens and putts, aiming the putter and body, stroking the ball where aimed, and controlling distance and pace of the ball for capture at the hole. Brain science for instinctive putting at the highest level.
Welcome to Geoff Mangum’s PuttingZone™ PRESENTATION OUTLINE A.Overview of Putting Overview of PuttingOverview of Putting B.4 Skills 4 Skills4 Skills 1.Touch Touch 2.Stroke Stroke 3.Read Read 4.Aim Aim C.PuttingZone Drills for Skills PuttingZone Drills for SkillsPuttingZone Drills for Skills Brain science for instinctive putting at the highest level. Today’s Webinar – 1 hour ✔
Puttingzone “Drills for skills” ℠ Drills and exercises for learning and honing putting skills.
The purpose of doing any drill or exercise is to “extract” from the situation what the golfer does with his body that causes good or bad results. Deliberate practice means working on “what works and why” for body performance, paying attention to the know- how of specific skills; it also means “putting it all together.” Novelty helps the brain integrate all the loose ends of a task / skill, so change up your focus and don’t get bogged down doing the same thing for hours. Practice what you expect to face, practice weaknesses, and practice under realistic conditions “without a net” so that success or failure matters. C. Puttingzone drills ✔
Puttingzone Touch drills Join the PuttingZone.org website and get video explanations of dozens of “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.org Core Putt Tee Peg Obelisk Rabbit and Dog Fringe Ladder Or visit PuttingZone.com for text explanations of the “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.com
Puttingzone Stroke drills Join the PuttingZone.org website and get video explanations of dozens of “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.org T drill Tee it up Choo-choo Back it up Pop-up gate Baseboard Or visit PuttingZone.com for text explanations of the “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.com
Puttingzone Reading drills Join the PuttingZone.org website and get video explanations of dozens of “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.org Ball overboard! Tee ball bump Base line game Elephant’s ear Spiral Can’t miss zone Or visit PuttingZone.com for text explanations of the “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.com
Puttingzone aiming drills Join the PuttingZone.org website and get video explanations of dozens of “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.org Two step Placemat String line setup Floor line face turn Fist telescope Or visit PuttingZone.com for text explanations of the “drills for skills”!PuttingZone.com
PuttingZone™ Thanks for your time and interest! “Roll ‘em and hole ‘em!” -- Geoff Thanks for your time and interest! “Roll ‘em and hole ‘em!” -- Geoff
Geoff Mangum’s PuttingZone™ For MORE information and to receive future tips and news from the PuttingZone, visit or contact: Geoff Mangum Woodlawn Ave, Greensboro NC USA (336) mobile Join us! If interested in becoming a PuttingZone Certified Coach, contact Geoff for more details Academies and 80 Certified Coaches in 16 Countries Worldwide and growing strong. Click to restart the show Click to restart the show Jerry Garcia Band