Te Reo Māori Qualifications Review Stakeholder Hui Waiwhetu Marae 18 October 2013
Targeted Review of qualifications and MMeQA Review Structure Qualifications involved in the Reo Māori Review Discussion - He aha ngā hiahia me ngā wawata? Links to the Māori Studies and Customs Review Moving Forwards Overview of the day
Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ) Aim is to significantly reduce the number of qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Frame work (NZQF); and to ensure they are useful and relevant Focus is on certificates and diplomas at Levels 1-6 (NCEA and university qualifications are excluded) Intended to simplify the qualifications system; and reduce duplication and proliferation of qualifications
Under TRoQ: Qualifications and programmes are separated All qualifications are in the public domain SSBs and education providers are compulsory stakeholders in each other’s qualification development Have a single set of flexible qualification design rules
Qualification design rules Statement of strategic purpose –use, relevance, point of difference Outcome statement –graduate profiles skills, knowledge, application (what a graduate will know/ be/ do) –education, employment, community pathways Specification –requirements and guidance for programme developers e.g.. entry requirements/pre-requisites; credit transfer; RPL, APL, RCC arrangements; consistency of outcomes
Separation of the qualification from the programme
Mandatory Review of Qualifications All stakeholders with an interest in the outcome of these qualifications are encouraged to participate in the review to ensure the qualifications meet the requirements of their workforce, industry and/or communities. Your attendance indicates you understand that importance, and we will continue to communicate progress to all MM providers and key stakeholders.
MMeQA – Te Hono o Te Kahurangi Principles based framework Mātauranga Māori and EQA side by side Valued outcomes for ākonga and whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori whānui Advancing Mātauranga Māori
Te Reo Māori Review Structure Te Rōpū Kaitautoko – Reference Group Te Rōpū Tātaki – Governance Group Hana O’ReganWiremu Doherty Leon BlakePania Papa Rawinia HigginsEvelyn Tobin Te Kowhai Ohia Che Wilson Ruakere Hond Te Rōpū Ahu Kaupapa - Working Group(s) Consultative Body – ALL stakeholders
Roles and Responsibilities Governance Group Provides strategic direction, guideance and project overview of the review process. It is a forum for decision making. Ensure that the suite of qualifications are based on current and future needs of iwi, hapū, hapori and stakeholders. Working Groups Provide technical input in the qualification development To develop the qualifications based on the needs and feedback from stakeholders Communication out to wider stakeholders
The Qualifications at Levels 1-4
The Qualifications at Level 5 and 6 Akona Te Reo (Certificate in Maori Language)Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology560 Te Hapara, Diploma in Maori StudiesChristchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology5120 National Diploma in Reo MaoriNZQA Maori Qualifications Services580 Diploma in Te Ara Reo MaoriTe Wananga o Aotearoa5120 Poupou Hootaka Reo MaaoriTe Wananga o Raukawa540 Diploma in Te Reo MaoriWaiariki Institute of Technology5120 Te Tohu Mohiotanga (Diploma in Maori Language)Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki5240 He Tohu Reo Rumaki (Certificate in Maori Language Total Immersion) Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology660 Te Atatu, Diploma in Maori StudiesChristchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology6240 Te Pokairua Ngapuhi-Nui-TonuNorthTec6240 National Diploma in Reo MaoriNZQA Maori Qualifications Services680 Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo KairangiTe Wananga o Aotearoa6120 Diploma in Te Reo me na TikangaUnitec New Zealand6120 Pokairua Hopuapua Reo (Diploma in Oral Taranaki Language) Level 6 Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki6120
Discussion Points & Group Activity What futures should REO MĀORI QUALS offer the learner? the provider? NZ society? global engagement? How should the suite of REO MĀORI QUALS be shaped? (Added value of Māori Studies and Customs/ Tikanga Māori and other qualification pathways?) What is your rationale? WHAT ELSE?
Rōpū Feedback Kei a koutou te wā!
Māori Studies and Customs / Tikanga Māori Targeted Review of Qualifications Tikanga Māori review was triggered on Monday 23 rd September Stakeholder hui held in – Wellington 4 th September – Auckland 5 th September – Hamilton 24 th September – Ensure a clear synergy with the Te Reo Māori review Qualifications – 36 Qualification across levels 1 -6 see hand out – Mātauranga Māori, Tikanga, Māori Development, Rongoā, Waka Ama
Māori Studies and Customs / Tikanga Māori Targeted Review of Qualifications Communication and feed-in Strategy Website: – Project Manager Review Structure – Governance Group member – Call for nominations currently open – Working Group member – Call for nominations will be open soon
Māori Studies and Customs / Tikanga Māori Targeted Review of Qualifications
Moving Forwards Review Timeframes Stakeholder feedback and participation Engagement Suggestions reo-maori-qualifications/
Te Reo Māori Qualifications Review Stakeholder Hui Waiwhetu Marae 18 October 2013