Jordyn Storm
The two novels, The Color Purple and Beloved, both deal with the struggle of identity. Whether it’s losing oneself or trying to develop a stronger identity for oneself.
The Color Purple Takes place in 1900s and focuses on the way African American women were treated by men during this time period. By this time slavery had been outlawed and black women were in fact, free. Although this was true, segregation was still big in parts of the country. The women in this novel were fighters and seek protection for themselves and their families.
Beloved Takes place after Civil War( ) and is inspired by a former African American Slave, Margaret Garner. During this time their was a Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which gave slave owners the right to pursue slaves across state borders Almost captured while trying to run away, Margaret killed her two daughters so she wouldn’t be recaptured. The story of the main character, Sethe, is based of off Margaret's story.
Female Significance Black women have no say and are mistreated by males Men continue to treat the women as if they have no rights or will without them. Women need to learn to stand up for themselves as well as support one another Important Quote: “He start to choke me saying, you better shut up and git used to it. But I don’t ever git used to it.” -Celie Page 11
Damaged Identity Slavery caused a negative impact on these characters identity’s. Paul D is very insecure and leaves himself wondering if he can ever consider himself as a “real man.” Sethe is affected by the haunting of her home. Tried saving her children from “Sweet Home” Denver (youngest child) saves herself from hitting rock bottom and finds independence on her own Important Quote: “Devil’s confusion. He lets me look good as long as I feel bad.” –Sethe Page 8
These two themes connect through the struggle of identity change. The Color Purple characters are negatively impacted by there past and their own identity is affected by it. The women in Beloved are trying to fight for a new identity and be seen as real people instead of men’s property.
The color purple connects a lot to “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” Women are treated poorly because men believe they are not educated enough to think for themselves Beloved relates to the theme of tradition The traditional way women were viewed was very weak, uneducated, and a piece of property Overtime this perception has changed into a more modern way of thinking.
These two novels are connected through a similar theme of identity lose and importance. They are both written during a time period where women were not viewed as strong and independent. In The Color Purple, African women are suffering from segregation problems. In Beloved, individuals are still dealing with the affects from slavery.