G&L Maintaining A Safe, Global Food Supply FOOD SAFETY & SECURITY SUMMIT MARCH 7, 2007 Gary Ades, PhD, President G&L Consulting Group, LLC Moderator and Presenter
G&L Presenters Gary Ades, PhD, President, G&L Consulting Group, LLC William Hueston, DVM, PhD, Director, Center for Animal Health and Food Safety, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Public Health, University of Minnesota Craig Henry, PhD, Sr. VP/COO, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, GMA/FPA
G&L Premise for the Session How do we manage the increasingly complex global supply system in the US and around the world? How do we do this with origination countries and destination marketplaces? What obstacles need to be addressed? What role does affordability play? These issues and others will be explored in this session
G&L Format Presentations by Craig, Will and Gary Craig will provide and overview of the situation and discuss recent food safety issues Will discusses proteins, global standards and technologies such as traceability Gary will discuss produce We will leave 25 minutes for Q&A It is important that this be an interactive session where we can learn from each other
G&L To Do’s Today Make a list of issues that you want to discuss at the Q&A Plan to share your experiences with the group during the Q&A