More biking in small and medium sized towns of Central and Eastern Europe by 2020 mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011
Project summary mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011 The goal of mobile2020 is to increase the share of cycling as a mode of everyday transport in small and medium cities in Central and Eastern European countries. By the help of 11 multipliers, mobile2020 will empower municipal planners and decision makers to make the right investments, improve their planning procedures and to trigger a change in mobility behaviour. Seminars will be used to distribute knowledge and national working groups on cycling in the target countries will contribute to keep expertise and exchange on a high level. In 11 Central and Eastern European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria with additional advice from Germany and the Netherlands
Background mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011 The modal share of cycling in Central and Eastern European Countries is very low Cycling is unattractive mode of transport in most cities and towns: Old-fashioned city planning Missing services for cyclists Insufficient infrastructure However: the potential for changing mobility behaviour is high!
Main steps mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011 Establish national working groups in 11 Central and Eastern European contries. They shall continue working after the project end and keep cycling issues on the national agenda. Train multipliers from 11 CEEC on state of the art cycling planning. Organise national, thematic workshops for cities and towns in the target region Carry out additional activities in all target countries to promote cycling
More than 350 cities in Central and Eastern Europe trained on cycling issues National working groups on cycling established in the target countries Around 20 professional multipliers trained and prepared to work on cycling issues in their countries Expected results mobile2020
Coordinator Matthias Grätz Baltic Environmental Forum Deutschland e.V. Osterstraße Hamburg Germany Contact - Coordinator mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011
Contacts – project partners OrganisationContact person Baltic Environmental Forum EstoniaSandra Baltic Environmental Forum LatviaIngrida AtgajaLinas Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, HeadquarterGreg Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Czech RepublicZuzana Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, SlovakiaMichal Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, SloveniaAndrej Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, CroatiaIrena Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, RomaniaWioletta Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, BulgariaVentzislav Institute for Social-Ecological ResearchJutta Hamburg University of TechnologyChristian IBC Cycling consultantTon City of ZwolleWillem mobile2020 IEE/10/166/SI Project duration May May Date of creation: 24 May 2011