CEDARS Validations Review and address data quality errors.
Describe the process used to validate data submitted to CEDARS. Identify resources and methods to reconcile data quality errors. Objective s
Validation is a way to evaluate some aspects of data quality. It can determine whether required data are complete. the type of data is valid. For example, only numbers are used in a field associated with dates. elements (such as student ID number) match in all files where those data are present. Validations
In CEDARS, data are validated using a variety of databases and files. Some validations are made using other CEDARS databases. For example Teacher certification numbers in the CEDARS Staff file are compared to the e-Cert database. The 4-digit school codes listed in the CEDARS Location file are compared to an OSPI database to determine if they are valid codes issued by OSPI. Validations
Other validations are made using databases that are external to CEDARS. For example Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate course codes are matched with a database from the College Board. CTE class information submitted through CEDARS is cross- checked with the P210 Voc information. Validations
Data are collected in a district’s student information system (SIS). Some data are extracted into fifteen files. How data are processed
The files are compressed (zip file format) and encrypted. Then they are sent to OSPI using a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). How data are processed District firewall OSPI firewall District SIS Data OSPI Server
Data are loaded and validated by CEDARS in a specific sequence. The files are run through two reconciliation processes that produce a report on structural errors and individual file errors. How data are processed
Reviewing and correcting structural errors are the first steps in error reconciliation. These errors occur when data formats are incorrect. required data elements are missing. Data elements have invalid values. Structural Errors
There is a hierarchical (phased) relationship with the CEDARS data files. The files are loaded in a defined order. An error in one file may cause errors “downstream.” Error reconciliation should be done in the same hierarchical order. Individual File Errors
The Location file is loaded first. If a location record errors out and is rejected any subsequent file that reference that Location ID will also error out. How data are processed Locatio n
These District Student, Course Catalog, and Staff files are the next building blocks for the remaining files. If records error out in these files, any subsequent file that references that record will error out. How data are processed Location District Studen t Course Catalog Staff
Then, School Student, Student Race, and Student Ethnicity files are loaded. If the Student or Location ID listed is not loaded in the District Student file, or if the Location ID does not match the Location Table, the record will error out. How data are processed School Studen t Student Race Student Ethnicit y Location District Student
The Student Schedule and Staff Schedule files are reviewed next. The District Student ID and Staff ID must match the District Student and Staff files. The Location ID must also match the Location Table, or the records will error out. How data are processed Student Schedul e Staff Schedul e Locatio n District Student Course Catalog Staff Student Ethnicit y School Student Student Race
Finally, the rest of the files are loaded. If the District Student ID is not loaded in the District Student file, or if the Location ID listed in this file is not loaded in the Location Table, the record will error out. How data are processed Student Program s Student Disciplin e Student SPED Student Absence School LEP Student Grades
How data are processed Locatio n District Student Course Catalog Staff Student Ethnicit y School Student Student Race Student Program School LEP Student SPED Student Discipline Student Grades Student Absenc e Student Schedul e Staff Schedule
OSPI processes CEDARS submissions nightly. Submission exception error reports are available on the Education Data System (EDS) website within a few hours. Corrections are made at the source (for example, SIS) as soon as possible. These will be processed with the next scheduled submission. Timeline
Visit the CEDARS web site to review and download resources. Contact OSPI Customer Support with additional questions: or (360) or 1 (800) Get additional help from your Student Information System vendor. Resources
Review Describe the process used to validate data submitted to CEDARS. Identify resources and methods to reconcile data quality errors.
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Can validations determine whether data are accurate (truthfully represented)? If so, how does that occur? If not, what would be needed to ensure this aspect of data quality? Suppose an error in the Student Special Education file was reported. What would you need to do to identify and resolve the error? Discussio n