Some artists paint with sound. Darrel Scott's "This Beggar's Heart" starts with a simple palette His voice, with a sprinkle of guitar. "This Beggar's Heart that I've been given. This Beggar's Heart has a working door. It may swing wide, It may be bolted... to feel this world no more."
He gently, patiently, adds color... A string bass is added. "This voice I sing it has been given...... This voice I sing will break down the door And what's inside will find a friend or two And sing alone no more."
In music we say the Texture is becoming thicker. We have more things to hear. A harmony vocal. Tin whistle. "These hands of mine will do your bidding... These hands will play in time too And time will show these hands have mattered If they have mattered to you.
Percussion, still sparse. More to hear. More to affect us. Percussion, still sparse. "These eyes of mine, they take your picture... These eyes that see in two and four -- I close my eyes and I still see you, And see myself no more."
Much like learning about life... More things to influence us. Tin whistle and guitar have two different melodies... Violin has a nice line, too.
Like life, music can be complicated yet remain harmonious. Loudest, More bass. "These feet have have walked me though this lonesome world.. These feet have dropped me here today... And I'll be damned, I'm going Where I'm going. I really know no other way."
Sadness .... Frustration.... "These words I sing, they ring familiar. These words I sing I've heard before."
Sadness... Resignation. "Oh, fare thee well my one and own true love, I'll see you in my dreams once more."
Thinner texture. Lonely. ... "This song I sing is fin'ly over, You're free to go about your way."
And turn the houselights on. I've really nothing more to say." "So bang the drums And turn the houselights on. I've really nothing more to say."
Brilliant musician and Darrell Scott. Brilliant musician and a songwriter's songwriter
Resources Homepage. Backgrounds made with NGAKids app. NGAkids Art Zone is a free iPad app from the National Gallery of Art. The app is designed to help elementary school and middle school students explore art through eight interactive activities