Chemistry of Chocolate Iveta Češková Monika Maxová Brno University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry 2005
“FEEL GOOD“ FOOD CHOCOLATE virtually universal appeal contains more than 300 known chemicals the taste is partially determined by the chemistry of the product. virtually – prakticky (skoro), téměř appeal – půvab, přitažlivost
Food of the gods made from seeds of tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao cocoa beans contain variety of chemicals seed – semeno,osévat
Typical Chocolate Ingredients
The Psychoactive Cocktail Compound Amount (%W/W) Neurotransmitters: Serotonin Histamine Methylxanthines: Theobromine<1.3 Caffeine<1.0 Tetrahydroisoquinolines: SalsolinolHigh Methyltetrahydroisoquinoline<0.01 Amines: Phenylethylamine Tele-methylhistamine Spermidine p-tyramine methyloxytyramine Tryptamine Spermine The combination of these chemicals may provide the „lift“ that chocolate eaters experience. lift – (po)zvednutí, podpora
Structure of Theobromine and Caffeine red-oxygen blue-nitrogen white-hydrogen
Theobromine and Caffeine belongs to a class of alkaloid molecules known as methylxanthines caffeine can be found in small quantities (<1%) 800 g of milk chocolate contains the equivalent amount of caffeine present in a cup of coffee theobromine, a weak stimulant, is present in slightly higher amounts (about 1% of total weight) also present in cola nuts and in tea levels are higher in dark chocos (approximately 10 g/kg) than in milk chocos (1-5 g/kg)
NAME :Theobromine CHEMICAL NAME :3,7-Dihydro-3,7-dimethyle-1H-prine-2,6-dione ALTERNATE CHEMICAL NAMES :3,7-dimethylxanthine CHEMICAL FORMULA :C7H8N4O2C7H8N4O2 MOLECULAR WEIGHT : Chemistry of Theobromine C % H 4.48 % N % O %
Theobromine mildly diuretic (increases urine production) ability to dilate blood vessels – treat high blood pressure relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi in the lungs is halved between hours after consumption (in the human body) may be toxic or lethal to dogs and other domestic animals (metabolize theobromine more slowly!) diuretic - močopudný smooth - hladký lungs - plíce dilate – rozšířit (se) bronchi - průdušky halve - rozložit vessel - céva
Anandamide neurotransmitter is stored in the cell membrane in the form of a phospholipid precursor is broken down quickly after it´s produced activates the same cell membrane receptors as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana and hashis it may play important roles in the regulation of mood, memory, appetite and pain perception act as the chief component of a novel system involved in the control of cognition and emotion inhibit the breakdown of natural anandamide, which may stick around longer, making us feel good longer, when we eat choco cognition – vědomí stick around longer - prodlužovat ( N-arachidonoylethanolamine )
Phenolics antioxidants one “square” of milk chocolate contains almost the same amount of phenols as a glass of red wine and that plain, dark chocolate contains even higher amounts prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) into the “bad” fats that clog up coronary arteries and cause heart disease the “good” high-density lipoproteins are believed to scavenge excess cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver for excretion clog up – ucpatliver - játra scavenge excess – odklízet nadbytekbloodstream – krevní řečiště
LOVE CHEMICAL chocolate´s key ingredient is related to amphetamines raises blood preasure and blood glucose levels makes us feel alert and gives us a sense of well-being alert – bdělý, čilý well-being – pohoda, pocit zdraví Phenylethylamine (PEA) note: chocolate is rich source of magnesium
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