Animal Habitats Webquest First Grade with Miss Stephens Animal Habitats Webquest Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page Website Evaluation
Introduction Dear First Grade Friends, I am so glad you made it to this webquest! I need your help! There was a huge storm and it blew the animals into another habitat! Will you be able to help me find the right habitat for the animals? You will need to think about what each animal needs to survive in its’ habitat and what its’ habitat looks like. I hope that you can use the websites I found help you! Please hurry because the animals need to go home! Thank you! Miss Stephens Oh, and what habitat do you live in? How do you know?
Here’s the Problem! Welcome First Grade Friends! You are going to need to put on your scientist coat to help me put animals back into their habitat! I am so excited you will be working with me to make sure the animals get home safely! The parrot and the raccoon are in the ocean! The penguin and the camel are in the forest! The octopus and the deer are in the arctic! The monkey and the dolphin are in the desert! The lizard and the polar bear are in the rainforest!
Directions Here is what you need to do: Find a partner and decide who will be computer friend and who will be the matching friend. You can switch jobs as you go. Follow the websites on the next page to find information about each habitat: Ocean Habitat Arctic Habitat Forest Habitat Desert Habitat: Rainforest Habitat Think about: What does the habitat looks like? 2. What is the weather like? 3. How does the animal survive there?
Websites * All Habitats: * Arctic Habitats Habitats Watch Animals in the Arctic Google Earth Arctic Animals Animal Communities *Desert Habitats: * Ocean Habitats Desert Safari National Geographic Video 1 Desert Pictures Ocean Video Facts about the Desert *Forest Habitats A Furry Forest Friend * Rainforest Habitats Another Forest Friend Rainforest Clip Forest Animals Australia Rainforest This website will help you find the right habitat for some animals. It will help you see where some of the animals live. Create a habitat
Evaluation Expert Habitat Hunter!(4) Very Good Habitat Hunter! (3) Fair Habitat Hunter (2) Habitat Hunter in training (1) Teamwork Shared and listened to ideas all the time. Stayed on task and on topic. Solves problems and compromises without teacher help. Shared and listened to ideas most of the time. Stayed on task with less than 3 prompts from the teacher. Solved problems with little teacher help. Shared and listened to ideas some of the time. Stayed on task with teacher assistance. Needed help from the teacher to solve problems. Shared and listened to ideas little of the time. Not on task and needed much teacher direction. Could not compromise without the teacher. Animal Homes Found the correct habitats for all animals Found the correct habitat for 8-9 animals Found the correct habitat for 6-7 animals Found the correct habitat for 5 or less animals. Webquest Used all the websites appropriately to help find the habitats. Used all the websites appropriately to help find the habitats. Used the websites but apply little research to the project. Used the websites but did not apply research to the project. Total
Conclusion Congratulations! You have helped all the animals reach their homes! We learned that each habitat is very different and that certain animals can only live in certain habitats! If they are not in their homes, they will not survive! Hopefully this gave you some ideas for selecting your animal for your animal project and diorama. Please click on the link to type an answer to a question inside our classroom blog! Click here to answer the question!
Teacher Page My name is Miss Stephens and I teach first grade at Longswamp Elementary School in the Brandywine Heights Area School District. During this activity, first grade students will be able to: identify each habitat. match the animal to its correct habitat. click on links to websites that will give them sufficient information. utilize the Internet to access videos, blogs, photographs and activities. respond with a personal response about which habitat they live in and why. Standards we will meet: Biological Sciences: 3.3.4 Know that characteristics are inherited and, thus, offspring closely resemble their parents. Identify characteristics for animal and plant survival in different climates. 3.3.4 Know the similarities and differences of living things. Know that some organisms have similar external characteristics (e.g., anatomical characteristics; appendages, type of covering, body segments) and that similarities and differences are related to environmental habitat. Describe basic needs of plants and animals.
Website Evaluation
Website Evaluation