Get Job Orders Now! Marketing Scripts and Strategies that Work
1.) Diffuse the Pressure In The Sales Conversation: A.) Overview B.) The end objective of the call is not to get a job order; it is to get to the truth as to whether or not it is in their interest to work with you early in the process. C.) On the first phone call you could say something like this: “I’d like to let you know that the purpose of this call is to explore whether or not I can help you improve the quality of your staff. It’s not to sell you something you don’t need or to put any pressure on you. If you could grant me 2 minutes of your focus, I could give you an honest assessment as to whether or not I could help. Are able to chat for a couple minutes? OR: “I want to let you know that I am not calling to see if you need my help in filling current openings. My guess is that you are getting way too many calls from recruiters wanting to fill your jobs. Is that a fair assessment?”
D.) Steps for creating an environment where prospects are open to you: 1. Sense and diffuse any pressure that you perceive the client may feel by addressing it directly. 2. Let them know that you may or may not be able to help them but you would like to open a dialogue to find out. 3. Ask quality questions to determine whether or not you can add value for them. Ask business questions first and sales questions second. 4. Agree with their objections- don’t argue. Instead answer with, “That’s not a problem”. 5. Get to the truth as to whether they have an interest early in the process. Don’t chase.
2.) Approach Cold Calls from the Side A. To feed a slice of bread to a squirrel, you must start with a crumb. B. Pink Spoon Marketing: C. Permission marketing: Traditional marketing formula - 2 steps: From a stranger to a client. Permission marketing formula – 3 steps: From a stranger to a friend, and from a friend to a client. D.You could never make another marketing call again if you decided to approach your prospects about their career prior to discussing their hiring needs. E. The Options Script: I’d like to support your career in 1 of 2 ways: 1.) “When the time is right I can help you to find a stronger… 2.) “I can help you to…
3.) The Permission Marketing Script A.Address Their Discomfort: “I want to let you know that I am not calling to see if you need my help in filling any current openings. My guess is that you are getting a daily barrage of calls from recruiters wanting to fill your jobs. Is that a fair assessment”? B. Ask for Permission to Act as Their Talent Scout: “The reason for my call is that I wanted to let you know about a complimentary talent scout service that we offer to a small group of companies. As you know, the best attorneys aren’t always available when you happen have an opening. So to keep our clients plugged into the talent pool, we send them a periodic listing the best attorneys that surface- as they become available.
The benefit is that it allows you to get a first look at our top tier of candidates before we send them out on interviews. The details are sent via so you’d have the option to ignore it or ask for more information if you have some interest. So I wanted to ask if you’d like to receive a periodic letting you know when we come across someone who we think is really exceptional. What are your thoughts”? C. Ask the Million Dollar Question: “So that I don’t waste your time, can you give me a thumb nail sketch of the types of people that you have the most difficulty in locating”? D. Ask the Bonus Question: “Are there any types of talent that you’d like for me to keep an eye open for in the next 90 days?”
4. Handle Common Objections: A.) “Call me on Next Week” "Can I share with you the way that we have found to be the most effective method for communicating with our clients? We operate on a calendar-driven schedule during each step of the process. This means that we schedule a 5 minute check-in phone call during each step of the recruiting process. This is so that you don’t end up chasing me and I don’t end up chasing you. Is this workable for you?" B.) “Send me some information”: “We do some evaluation at the beginning of the process as well to make sure it is a fit for both sides. So we like to…
C.) “You have to go through HR”: Option 1: “OK, that’s not a problem, I’m happy to do that. Before I do, would you mind if I ask you a couple of questions about the position so that I sound informed when I give them a call”? Option 2: “OK, that’s not a problem, I’m happy to do that. But I’m wondering if it would make sense to 3 way call the HR person right now so that we can get the details worked out, and so I can get started on the search for you. What are your thoughts”? D.) “We’re happy with the recruiting firm we already have/you’re not on the list”
Option 1: “OK, can I ask, on a scale of 1-10, where would u rank the company you’re using?” Option 2: “OK, I understand, you’re not looking to add anyone else to your vendor list. Before we wrap up, I had a thought; if our candidate could solve a need that you have right now, we could put a one time agreement in place for just this search. What are your thoughts?” E.) “We have no openings”: 1. Use the “Permission Marketing” script (see above): 2. Ask, “Where does it hurt?” “I understand you don’t have an opening at the moment, before we hang up I just wanted to ask you; what is typically the most difficult position for you to fill?”
5. Form Strategic Alliances: A strategic alliance involves a formal agreement with someone who can refer business to you. A.) What’s in it for them? B.) Possible partners: C.) Strategic Alliance Plan: 1. Identify all potential alliance partners and centers of influence in your industry. List some possible partners: 2. Determine what’s in it for them: 3. Create a script or key points to cover 4. Create a simple contract 5. Start calling potential partners and pitching them.
6. Secure Marketing Leads from Current Clients: A.) Overview: B.) Seven Point Client Referral Generation Conversation: 1.Agenda: 2.Remind them how you met; 3.Ask a value seeking question: 4.Ask for help and advice: 5. Ask for the referral: 6. Help them by getting specific: 7. Move from lead to referral: 8. Optional: Describe your “thank you” program. 7. Entice your candidates to become your sales force:
Conclusion The correct marketing script is the one that feels authentic for you and serves the clients interests. The secret sauce of effective marketing is serial follow up. Fill out the survey and get the free bonus report, "9 Strategies for Overcoming Cold Call Reluctance“.