STATUS OF ORGANISATION Pan Disability National Sports Organisation – formed 1985 (Intellectual disability / Deaf and Hard of Hearing / Physical / Sensory Disabilities) National Governing Body of Sport Strategic Development Agency Advise Regional Government and Sports Council for Wales Core Business - increasing participation - improving excellence - training and education
Staffing Structure Executive Director National Performance Manager Academy Manager Athletics Development Officer National Development Manager Community Support Services Officer 22 County Officers Local club structure Education and Training Consultant Education and Training Tutor Workforce Support Services Officer
IMPACT ON COMMUNITY KPI Clubs Coaches Volunteers Competitions Participatory Opportunities ,000 Membership
Paralympics Games Sydney – 17 athletes 6% GB athletes / 20% medals Athens – 24 athletes 14% athletes / 30% medals (Wales 16 th / 138 nations in Games) Beijing – 31 athletes 15% athletes / 25% gold medals (Wales 13 th / 146 nations in Games - and 7 th in Europe) 15 new athletes from Wales into GB team 9 from Academy system Elite sport
The growth of community sport Clear focus and ‘Game Plan’ - national framework Generate DEMAND for disability sport participation 22 x development officers appointed at local level Pan disability approach Develop the SUPPLY Voluntary Workforce – More coaches More volunteers Local sessions - leading to development of sports clubs Create local competitions at appropriate levels Pan-disability approach / disability specific: for example - visually impaired / deaf and hard of hearing Expand Opportunities and mainstreaming – Inclusion into mainstream sporting society
Athlete Identification – Developing Excellence Develop 6 ‘priority sports / across Wales Focus on two largest sports to develop infra- structures 2004 – 2006: Link community programmes to underpin community sports 2006: Develop Academy system for selected athletes 2006 – 08: Monitor effectiveness of Academy systems against defined targets a) Number of athletes improving rankings / performances b) Number of athletes being selected into GB squads c )Number of athletes being selected for Paralympic Games
Education and Training Community Developing community based education resources Impairment Specific training Disability Equality Training for Sports Sector Welfare Training – safer sport Adapted Sports – ‘sports-ability’ National Governing Bodies Disability Equality training Improving coaching standards – inclusive approach Working with disabled athletes
REHABILITIATION PROGRAMMES Using sport and physical activity to support: - people that are disabled resulting from injury / illness -Injured civilians – post conflict -Armed forces rehab – programme examples: -UK: Battle Back -USA: Wounded Warrior Opportunities Re-integrate individuals back into society Develop healthier lifestyles Potential to identify competitors for performance sport
WAY FORWARD? Develop a disability sport programme as you would develop any other programme Agree programme / sports – limited number to start? Determine resources eg adapted equipment / training courses Identify programme locations that are as accessible as possible Work with disability organisations / education to identify disabled population Keep the programme SIMPLE