ACT ONE For act one I have chosen the song “Love at First Sight” by Josh Verdes. This song is about, well, Love at first sight. It starts out with a young man who sees the most beautiful girl he has found and he falls in love at first sight. He instantly falls head over feet for her. He is nervous and afraid that she will not like him. In his delight she falls in love with him. This is very similar to what happened in the play. Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other at first sight. 20first%20sight%20josh%20verdes
ACT TWO For act two I have chosen “As” by Stevie Wonder. In this act there is a scene where Romeo is in Juliet’s yard. There the confirm there love to each other. The song talks about how I will love you no matter what happens and forever. This is basically what is happens in act two of the play. The song shows the hope that lives in both Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately things do not goes as they had planed. But during this scene they do talk about love and only love just like in the song. 0always
ACT THREE For act three I chose the song “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet. This is a song about a random brawl that breaks out in a ballroom. It is unexpected and is started by one action started by one man that triggers a fight. Just like Tybalt does in the scene in the in the street. It is completely random because a marriage just took place and then suddenly a huge fight starts. In both fights people die. This song reminds me of this scene.
ACT FOUR In this act I have chosen “ The River” by Bruce Springsteen. The stories are different but they do have some similarities. The song is a very sad and tragic song. In act four many things go wrong just like in the song. It is also about how a young couple made stupid choices and then they a forced to get married because there is a child involved. In the play Juliet is being forced to marry. It is also talks about how he had a horrible wedding and nobody came and it was not fancy at all. Romeo and Juliet’s wedding was not fancy at all. %20springsteen
ACT FIVE For act five I have chosen “Watch it Crash” by Streetlight Manifesto. In the scenes near the very end where most everyone’s life is ending relates to this song. This song is about how when you finally come the point where there really is nothing you can do but just let it happen. It talks about how they have done everything the could but it was not enough. It even talks about how there is nobody really to blame. There is a point in every situation where its over and if you did not succeed then you it is the end and there is nothing else to do. Once everything started to go wrong in the play there really was nothing Fryer Lawerence could do to save Juliet.