Introduction The primary role of the family is parenting (to raise children) The family is the basic unit of society and the church. We are the products of our homes. How is your family this morning?
Is it strong, vibrant and in good relationship? Or is it filled with anger, yelling, crying and desperation? Our families are under attack. It is time to reclaim our homes for Christ.
The family has three enemies: a. The world system b. Our old fleshly nature c. And Satan Eph. 6:12 – “against rulers, authorities, powers of the dark world, spiritual forces”
Battle Ground No.1 Humanism – Acts 17:23 What is it? A system of thought that centers on human beings and their values, capacities apart from God. Our own goodness and truth. There is no God.
Battle Ground No.2 Amoral Philosophy – Rom.1:21 What is it? No accountability. No restraints or standards. I will do what I please.
God’s standard for marriage is being redefined. It was, Adam & Eve. Now it is Adam & Steve. Homosexuality, perverted lifestyles are redefining the home & marriage.
This philosophy is poisoning our families today. There is no right or wrong. If it feels good, then do it. There is no judgment to come. The conscience is seared.
Battle Ground No.3 Media Invasion – 1 John 2:15 Television, Internet, MTV is shaping an alternative lifestyle. Deviate lifestyles, sexual promiscuity is portrayed in a positive, fun, let us all do it way. This is systematically destroying our families and homes.
Battle Ground No.4 Secular Mindset – Matt.6:19,20 We live in a society of many things. It is said that we 1,260 choices of shampoo, 2,000 skin care products etc. Each choice demands more time and mounting stress into your families. We are drowning in choices.
“ Child rearing is like baking a cake “ Child rearing is like baking a cake. You do not realize you have a disaster until it is too late” - James Dobson- What can I do?
I. Ask God To Help BUILD Your Family. V.1 David is talking about establishing a family. David is saying, "God can help you BUILD your family.“ If you want a home that will last and survive, then turn to the master home-builder: God Himself.
God invented the family. He knows what will work and what will not work. He can help fix whatever problem your family encounters.
A story is told of Henry Ford. He and his wife were driving in the country Saw a man whose Model T had broken down. The man was trying to figure out what was wrong, when Mr. Ford asked if he could take a look.
And in just a few minutes, Mr. Ford had the Model T running. Owner was amazed that you fixed it so easily." Mr. Ford replied, "I ought to be able to fix it because I am the one who DESIGNED it.”
He gives us the necessary instructions and tools. Where are those instructions? They are revealed in the Bible. The Bible is best marriage manual and child rearing manual.
Make a commitment to listen to what God says about the family and ask Him to help you put it into practice. Follow His instructions and He will help you BUILD your family.
II. God Can Help PROTECT Your Family. What is a city? It’s a group of families who live close together. “Watches" means to guard, protect, and save lives. David is saying "God can help you PROTECT your family."
The family needs protection in today’s world and from evil spiritual forces. The Devil and his demons would love nothing more than to break up and destroy your family.
Satan’s most successful weapon against the home is "me first" mentality. An Attitude of Selfishness. It destroys the home from within.
God can protect your family by helping you develop a Christ-like attitude: an attitude that puts the needs of your mate and your children before you own. God can help you protect your family - if you will just make a commitment to follow Him and obey His word.