APACHE Connor Landon Caden Jacob
Location The Apache lived in the Southern Great Plains area. Today, those states include Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. The Apache are closely related to the Navajo.
Apache Land
Shelter The Apache lived in two types of homes. The wigwam was the permanent home. It was made from tree saplings and it formed a dome. It was covered with bark and grass. The second type of shelter was the teepee. It was a temporary home and could be moved easily. The teepee was made of long poles and covered with buffalo hide. It was shaped like an upside down code.
Clothing Apache clothing was made from leather or buckskin. The women wore buckskin dresses and the men wore shirts and breechcloths. Sometimes they decorated their clothing with fringes, beads, feathers, and shells. They wore soft leather shoes called moccasins.
Food The Apache lived in an area where there was a lot of different things to eat. The main thing was corn, called maize. Their meat came from buffalo. They also hunted deer and rabbits. They gathered berries and acorns. The Apache used bows and arrows made from rocks that were chipped down to a sharp point.
Customs and Traditions The Apache was based around family. Groups of family members lived together. They would choose a leader from their family to be the chief. The Apache women were responsible for the home and cooking the food. They would also do crafts, make clothes, and weave baskets. The men were responsible for hunting and were the tribal leaders.