Mr. Martin’s Class ,000,000.00
IF I WON THE LOTTERY IF I WON THE LOTTERY By, McKenzie Mitchell DateDescriptionDebit Minus Balance Lottery Winning $1,000, Retirement $ $999, Mustang $200$999, Puppies $800.00$998, Room Over$ $998, Tablet$ $998, A Trip To Tokyo$ $998, If I Won the Lottery First I Will Spend Some Money for My Family because they Buy Stuff for Me. Some of My Money Will Go to the Retirement Because When I Get Old I Don’t Want To Do What Ever Im Doing Then I Will Buy A Mustang that is Lime Green Then I Will Buy a puppy and I will Have A Room Make Over And A Tablet And Finally take a trip to Tokyo…….
My million dollar winnings My million dollar winnings by Ronald Wilson dateDescriptiondebit minusBalance lottery winnings $1,000, /7/12home$300,000.00$700, car$250,000.00$450, /14/12vacation$75,000.00$375, clothes, shoes$50,000.00$325, TV$7,000.00$318, games, system$75,000.00$243, bank$143,000.00$100, other uses$75,000.00$25, lottery$25,000.00$0.00 I pick a home first because my mom always wanted one of her own so I was going to help buy that home for her. I pick a car because I wanted a cool one. I wanted a vacation to get out of the state. The clothes look like a lot of money but I am buying it for my WHOLE family. Games because I play them a lot. Lottery to win more money
DATEITEMDEBITBALANCE LOTTERY WINS 1,000,000 new house$250,000.00$750, car225,325$524, vacation12,000$512, SUZUKI13,799$498, BENTLEY290,000$208, SAVINGS208,876$0.00 I just 1# a $$ million $$ dollars and I knew that buying a house was going to be the fist thing I do. I also bought some new cars because they look very nice and cheap prices for that type car and motor cycle. I took 12 grand because I’ve always wanted to visit new Zealand. And I saved the rest cause I don’t want to work for the rest of my life. JERMAINE HARRIS MR.MARTIN
Million Dollars By Charles Conway date Descriptiondebit] menu balance lottery winning $ 1,000, Car$123, $ 877, dog$ $ 876, in ground pool$189, $ 687, hot tub$583, $ 103, If I had a million dollars I would spend it on a sports car and a dog that is a lap an in ground pool and a hot tub.
*-Spending A Million..! By:Shantaris Date Descript ion Debit(m inus)Balance March 7,2012 lottery winnings $1,000, March 14, escalde $73, $994, Trip to Hawaii $5, $989, Camry $21, $967, Clothes $70, $896, Shoes $75, $821, Mini Mansion $579, $242, transfer to saving $242, $0.00 I picked to spend my money this way because this is all I want when I grow up. Also, they are very nice things you could have and it some of the things I want to do. I would transfer money to my savings because what if ii run out of money or something like that.
If I won a million bucks by Ladarion DATEITEMDEBITBALANCE 02/22/1 2 house$500, car$300,000.00$200, fish or fishing pole$15,000.00$132, give back$10,000.00$122, laptop$10,000.00$112, bank$112,250.00$0.00 WISH I REALLY DID WIN 1,000, I WOULD DO EVERY THING ON THIS LIST IN ORDERBUT I WOULD ADD ONE MORE THING GIVE TO BROTHER OR CUSINS BECAUSE THE GOT ME STUFF I WOULD GIVE BACK TO MY CUSINS.
DateDecriptionDebit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, pandora bracelet + beads $760.00$999, ipad3$499.00$998, macbook pro$1,199.00$997, puggle puppy$500.00$997, trip to paris,france$5,200.00$991, jeep wrangler 2012$15,423.00$976, kindle fire$200.00$976, unblind shots for dogs $10,000.00$966, a house for my dad $966,000 $ give $5 to my whole family each $200.00$19.00 donate to charity$19.00$0.00 I choose to spend half of my million dollars on a house for my dad. I choose to do that because he wants his own place and if I had a million dollars in real life, now that I think about he would be the first one on my list. And for the trip to Paris, France I would either bring my mom and my family or my dad and summy, kamden, and me. (Their divorced) and I would by a kindle fire for summy and kamden.
By: Nathan Nickles DATEITEMDEBITBALANCE 3/7/2012Lottery Winnings $1,000, retirement350,000.00$650, /14/2012stock with Nike$155,500.00$494, trip to England$85,000.00$409, flat screen TV$65,000.00$344, mustang$144,500.00$200, transfer to savings$100, new house$50, paint ball stuff and area$50,000.00$0.00 This is the stuff I would spend a million dollars on. I would put $350, in retirement. I would by Nike because there my favorite sports brand. I would go to England to watch soccer matches. I would by a flat screen TV to have my own TV. I would like a Mustang because it’s my favorite car. I would transfer to savings to have a little money left. I would like a new house to have my own space. I would also like to have paint ball gear to go paint balling with friends. This is stuff I would like if I had a million dollars. I just won a million dollars By: Nathan Nickles
DateDescriptionDebit(minus)Balance 2/22/2012lottery wins $1,000, house$300,986.60$699, Clothes, shoes$15,000.00$684, art and supplies $30,000.00$654, jeep$20,000.00$634, furniture$40,000.00$594, orangutan$400,000.00$194, jewelry$162,002.30$32, savings$32,011.10$0.00 A Million dollars I chose to put 300, in my house because I want to live in a house not on the streets. And when I do move in my new house I would have a whole new wardrobe. When I grow up I am going to be a n artist so that is why I needed supplies. And I just want a jeep because I always have. I need furniture in my house or I will have to sleep on the floor. I also want a pet orangutan. I need jewelry every one does. And I need savings so I am not 70 living alone.
SPENDING A MILLION $ by Samuel Hunter DateItemDebitBalance lottery winnings $1,000, house $50,000.00$950, Chevy Camaro $23,280.00$926, ,000 gallon fish tank $25,000.00$901, retirement fund $500, $401, O AFRICAN CICHLIDS $4.50$401, PITBULLS puppies $6,000.00$395, furniture $395, $0.00 I chose to buy a house so I don’t have to live with parents. Then I bought a Camaro so I can drive. Then I bought a 1,000 gallon fish tank and 10 African cichlids for décor. Then I put $5,000 in a retirement fund so I don’t have to work long. Then I bought two pit-bull puppies for companions. Finally I bought furniture to go in my house.
SPENDING A MILLION DOLLARS!! Tiara Donald DateitemDebit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, /21/2012 new ipod touch$279.99$999, clothes$2,000.00$997, rolex watch$3,995.00$993, /21/2012chairtey$3,000.00$990, maybach$372,500.00$618, savings$618,225.01$0.00 I chose to buy a new iPod touch is because I really do need one. The reason why I put some money into charity is because I feel bad for the people who do need more thing than me. And I finally bough myself a 2011 maybach car because it is sweet and it got some nice seats in it.
DateItemdebitBalance lottery Winning$863,000.00$1,000, House$863.00$999, Mustang$6,381.00$992, Retirement$8,136.00$984, BOAT$8,298.00$976, Vacation$828,807.00$147, bank account$42,695.00$104, i Phone$52, Pare Pad$678,923.00$0.00 I choose this because I needed to know how it feels to spend a million dollars. Some part of it will go towards my family and my retirement be cause I don’t want to be working when I am 60 years old.
Million dollars page By; Tamyus Johnson Datedescription debit (minus)balance 3/07/12lottery wining 1,000, retirement500, /14/12big barrel179499, car18,995480, house2,074478, vacation700478, beats Dr Dre5,607472, transfer to savings472, I choose to buy a big barrel for baseball so I can use my own bat. I choose the beats by Dr.Dre so I can listen to music on my phone. I transferred to savings so when I get older I have money left over to take out when I need to get something. I chose a house so when I get a wife we can have our own house and our own car.
Tania Towner Mr.Martin I put five thousand dollars into my retirement fund because I do not want to be working in my sixty’s. I put one hundred seventy nine dollars in to a Samsung galaxy because I need a new phone and that was the phone I always wanted. I put five hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cent into a Monaco elite pool because I love to swim and when I'm in water I never get hurt. I put five hundred dollars into cloths shopping because I love to get the next best thing and keep in style. I put fifty eight thousand dollars into KIA optima because when I get older I don’t want to ride the bus or wait on other people to come and get me. I put two hundred dollars into shoe shopping because I love shoes and high heels and some shoes have very high prices. I put one hundred fifty thousand dollars in to a house because I don’t want to be twenty still living with my mom. DateItem(description)Debit(minus)Balance 2/22/2012lottery winnings $1,000, Retirement$500, Samsung galaxy 11$179.99$499, Monaco elite pool$599.99$499, cloths shopping$500.00$498, car kia optima$58,000.00$440, shoe shopping$200.00$440, New house$150,000.00$290, MILLION DOLLAR CHECKBOOK
Million dollar winnings DateDescription Debit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, New House$500, fish tank$5,000.00$495, New Dogs$3,000.00$492, shoes$1,000.00$491, candy store$10,000.00$481, Disney world$375,000.00$106, diamond bracelets$5,800.00$100, Caribbean vacation$100,200.00$0.00 By: Savannah Ross I put half of my winnings to a new house and five thousand dollars to a fish tank. Three thousand dollars to three dogs and one thousand dollars to shoes. Ten thousand to a candy store. $375,000 to Disney world and 5,800 to some diamond bracelets. Last a Caribbean vacation with $100,200.
Spending a Million Dollars The reason why I want all this stuff is because I always wanted a car and a german shepherd and the reason why I saved money is to use for important things. DataItemDebit(minus)Balance Lottery Winning $1,000,000 Ferrai Enzo$670,000.00$330, Camaro35,500$294, Diamond ring1,271$293, German Shepherd500$292, save292,728.75$0.00
If I won a the lottery for a thousand dollar I would buy me a yellow mustang and then I will buy some shoes zebra print and then I will buy a house and I will have furniture inside my house then I will buy me a phone and then I will buy a lab top and then I will buy me a lava lamp for my bedroom and then if I have money left I will put it in the bank and then when I buy a lab top I going to give one to my family then when I have kids I will tell them go to the bank and they will do what ever they can do with it they can buy what I buy or they can do what I did. DateDescriptionDebit ( minus)Balance 3/7/2012lottery winnings $1,000, mustang yellow$30,570.00$969, /14/2012zebra print shoes$26.98$969, house$299,000.00$670, /21/2012furniture$149.00$670, phone$5,230.00$665, lab top$590.00$664, lava lamp$14.00$664, give to bank$664,420.02$0.00 total $
If I Won a Million Dollars By: Tamia Davis DateDescriptionDebit(minus)Balance lottery winnings 1,000,000 remodel room$10,000990,000 flat screen t.v$500989,500 7galfishtank$730988,770 mini fridge$200988,570 Florida Vacation$266,ooo988,570 clothes$6,600981,970 trip to NY$200,OOO981,970 TRIP TO France$456,508525,462 food$525,ooo$462 donate$462$0 I chose to spend my money on these things because I either need it or want it. I need to remodel my room and I always wanted a flat screen tv. I am getting the fish tank for my mom and the mini fridge is for my room. I always wanted to take a trip to New York, Florida, and France. I need the clothes and food. I even decided to give the rest( $462) to charity.
I won the lottery first I will spend it on my family and then me. I will buy a house because my mom and dad said that I can’t live with them when I’m 20 and I don’t want to live with them when I’m 20. I will buy some shoe that is call heelys that got the wheel on the heel. I will buy some tank top because I got some pants but not tank top. I will buy contact for my eye because I want some and the color I will pick green because I love green. My retirement is going to be a cedar point I’m going to work there in till I’m 18. I will buy a make –up kit because I love make up. I will buy a dog. I will buy a mustang because I need car to go somewhere. datedescriptiondebitbalance lottery winning $1,000,000, retirement$500,000, new house$300,000, $200,000, heelys$10, $199,989, tank tops$70, $199,919, contact$5, $199,913, makeup –set kit$ $199,912, mustang$30, $199,882, /28/ 12dog $199,882,281.00
Im a million dollars richer DataIdemDebitBalance initial lottery winnings $1,000,000,000 Retirement6,000,000$994,000,000 Lamborghini387,000$993,613,000 Dirt bike199.99$993,612,800 water bed350,000$993,262,800 red nose pit350,000$992,912,800 blue nose pit700,000$992,212,800 Motorcycle9,899.00$992,202,901 I will get a Lamborghini for I can ride when it’s cold or when it hot. I will get a dirt bike for I can ride in the grass. the water bed will be fun cause I can bounce on it. The red nose pit and the blue nose can guard the house or I run with them.
MILLIN DOLLOR SPENDING BOOK DAT E DESCIPTIONDEBIT BALANCE LOTTERY WINNINGS $1,000, a big house$200,000.00$800, a dog$100,000.00$700, new cloths$25,000.00$675, give to homeless$50,000.00$625, give to the shelter$100,000.00$525, vacation for me-$25,290.00$499, in my family$100,000.00$399, transfer to savings$200,000.00$299, WHAT I READY WHAT TO GIVE A LOT OF STUFF TO THE HOMELESS THAT WOULD BE READY FUN. BY:JEMICE WARD MR:MARTIN