Ear Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine used to treat human conditions affecting the physical, mental, or emotional health of the patient. Treatment is focused on the stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Acupuncture is a calming, inexpensive, non-threatening & non-verbal treatment globally proven with positive results.
The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association(NADA),a not- for- profit training and advocacy organization, encourages community wellness through the use of a standardized auricular acupuncture protocol for behavioral health, including addictions, mental health, and disaster & emotional trauma. We work to improve access and effectiveness of care through promoting policies and practices which integrate NADA- style treatment with other Western behavioral health modalities.
Successful treatments used in a wide variety of health issues including: Withdraw symptoms of prison inmates in England Post-trauma treatment for survivors as well as first responders from 9/11 & Katrina Psychiatric hospital care in Northern Europe Stress relief for Border Security Forces in India Refugee services in war-torn areas, Burmese tribes in border camps, refugee camps in East Africa ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder & violence prone treatment for children and adolescents
NADA protocol is specifically utilized to aid in treatment of addiction/ withdraw symptoms, and issues related to the patients mental health including disaster and emotional trauma disorders. The NADA holistic treatment approach offers patients immediate relief of symptoms and has a lasting sustainable effect on their well-being with continued treatments. Auricular Acupuncture adds a valuable component to the global behavioral mental health field. reference: