Business Ethics For My Friends in BSAD 101 By Thomas Hilton
Trust Do you want to be trusted? Do you want to trust your associates? What happens to relationships as trust decreases? Increases?
Topics for Today Definitions Examples Assignment
Definitions: Ethics Rules of right and wrong behavior in a particular field
Definitions: Business Ethics Rules of right and wrong behavior in business Foundation of the trust essential for commerce Sometimes arbitrary: “Gaming Ethics” Based on universal moral principles
Definitions: AACSB International Accredits Virtually all Reputable US Business Schools, Including UWEC Aims to Educate Business Leaders “Business and society are mutually interdependent: Society depends on business for wealth creation while business depends on society for an environment wherein it can meet its obligation to create that wealth.” “…business schools cannot be expected to assume total responsibility for ethical debacles in [business]… Nonetheless, …the time has come for business schools…to renew and revitalize their commitment to the centrality of ethical responsibility at both the individual and corporate levels in preparing business leaders for the twenty-first century.” Ethics Education in Business Schools Report of the Ethics Education Task Force to AACSB International’s Board of Directors
Definitions: AACSB International’s Four Broad Ethics Themes Responsibility of Business in Society Ethical Decision-Making Ethical Leadership Corporate Governance
Definitions: AACSB Core Business Ethics Produce Wealth for Society Distribute that Wealth Appropriately Enhance these Abilities for the Future
Three Questions… What is “Wealth”? Who is “Society”? What is “Appropriate”?
Cases Answer the Three Questions Hint: Use the Systems View Mayo Health System Statz Construction Aldi International Accenture Harley Davidson, Inc.
Personal Connections Professional Ethics Learn Them Use Them Influence Others to Use Them Support Ethical Management
Conclusion The world runs on information systems People run information systems The people who run the information systems run the world Be careful not to break it
Assignment Memo –One-page Defending Your Opinion of Illegal Music File Trading Grading –Content –Organization –Language mechanics –Format Deadline – it to me by the start of Wednesday’s class