Important Questions How do you define gender disparity? What is a gender disparity in education? How do you identify the gender disparity in education? Specifically college and post-secondary education Purdue University What causes a gender disparity? What can be done to eliminate gender disparities? What would the educational system look like without gender disparities?
Group Activity Break into two groups Male and Female Objective Each group will identify the other gender’s perceived academic areas of strength and weaknesses ie. Math, Chemistry, Biology, English, History, Psychology This will be done by writing down subject topics that the other gender is supposedly dominant, more efficient, or more skilled in. Groups will then trade observations showing the supposed strengths of the other gender
How to Define Gender Disparity Disparity is defined as a “lack of similarity or equality” Gender is defined as a “classification of sex” Male, Female, Androgynous, etc. This broadly defines Gender Disparity as a lack of equality or similarity for those classified as of a different sex. A Gender Disparity can form, or be in place, in several different fields and topics Important to understanding presence in life and every day world
What is a Gender Disparity in Regards to Education Lack of Equality in: Opportunity for education or extra curricular activities Resources and exposure The percentage of student populous Representation within student or professional organizations Representation in professional field
Opinions on Gender Disparities in Education at Purdue Interviewed specialists on the topic of gender disparities in education and asked questions on the topic Do they exist? What fields of study do they exist in? In what colleges or majors are disparities present? To what extent do disparities exist?
What is a Gender Disparity Barbara Clark Director Science Diversity Office, College of Science “Gender disparities do exist throughout the educational system, top to bottom. Typically they exist at colleges and universities in S.T.E.M. fields. These disparities can be extreme, as high as a, or higher than, 90% male to 10% female or even vice versa.”
What is a Gender Disparity “Disparities exist and are present in all levels of education. Primarily these disparities exist in either colleges high in S.T.E.M. fields or in professional programs. These disparities can range drastically by college and major. Namely a disparity is whenever a person feels like they don’t belong in a major or profession because of their being a minority.” Beth Holloway Director Women in Engineering
How to Identify the Gender Disparities in Education Use the Purdue University student population as a sample of the education system Cite data on the number of students, male and female Observe gender and demographic break down of colleges Find gender breakdown by major or field of study Disparities will statistically be noted by a consistent, major inequality between genders for a major or college
Perceived Disparities By College Divide into four groups Write down what colleges you think are male and female dominated from these choices. Engineering, Technology, Science, Education, Health Human Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine Estimate figures of Male % to Female % Winning group gets candy!
Purdue University Gender Disparities Undergraduate Student Population: 30,776 Undergraduate Student Ratio: 57% male 43% female College% Male% Female Engineering Technology Science Education Health and Human Sciences Veterinary Medicine
College of Engineering by Majors Major% Male% Female Aeronautical and Astronautical8218 Agricultural and Biological6040 Biomedical6634 Chemical6832 Civil7822 Construction8614 Electrical and Computer9010 Industrial7426 Interdisciplinary6931 Materials7723 Mechanical8713 Nuclear8713
Opinion on Identifying Gender Disparities Beth Holloway Director Women in Engineering “The numbers, percentages, and statistics of a disparity are symptoms and indications of it. A gender disparity is not identified by the first instance of inequality, rather gender disparity is identified by its continuous inequalities that discourage the minority.”
What Causes Gender Disparities Cultural and Social Values and their view and impact on: Gender Identity Gender Roles Gender Strengths
What Can be Done to Eliminate Gender Disparities Shift cultural and social paradigm More liberal ideas on strengths and weaknesses by gender More neutral classifications of interests Focused Programs for under represented genders Women in Engineering Women in Science Professional Organizations Focus on the professional education of the under represented gender in that field
The Education System Without Gender Disparities
Without Gender Disparities Beth Holloway Director Women in Engineering “Without gender disparities the Purdue and the education system would have semi-equal numbers in all fields. Somewhere in the range of a plus or minus 7% in either direction. The topic of a gender dominated fields wouldn’t even exist. Students would have more free choice over their major and interests. There would be no predisposition to a gender being better suited for a topic or field.”
Without Gender Disparities Barbara Clark Director Science Diversity Office, College of Science “If gender disparities did not exist in the educational system, at Purdue, or else where; the populous of any organization would roughly match the population of it’s environment or surrounding area. If that be 60/40, or however the population is divided, the organization would be that as well.”
Potential Action For Change Provide help to existing organizations for genders that are a disparity Aid in spreading awareness Start organization for under represented gender in a specific field or major Work towards changes in social perception
Potential Action for Charity Raise or donate funds to support gender minority programs Generate publicity for a program or organization dealing with gender disparity Work with programs focused on gender disparities
Action of Change Volunteered at Hanna Community Center Worked with young students on homework and study problems Enforce good study habits and practices while encouraging students
Action of Charity March For Dimes Collected change for organization Raised over $50 to donate
The End
Resources index.htmlhttp:// National Academy of Engineers. Changing the Conversation : Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering. National Academic Press. Washington, DC (June 2008) Purdue University. Women in Engineering Program: Annual Report Purdue Marketing and Media. West Lafayette, IN Fisher, Allan and Margolis, Jane. Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. c. 2002
Slides Thomas 6,7,8, 13, 14,17,18 McCormick 9,10,11,12,15,19 Angela 1,2,3,4,5