COLLEGE NAVIGATOR The College Navigator: Enhancing Support for Adult Students.
Presenters Zeida Santos-Boston Private Industry Council Justice Kumahia- Bunker Hill Community College Nicole Hart-Year Up Danielle Asselin-Jewish Vocational Service
SkillWorks The SkillWorks initiative, supported through a collaboration of public and private funders, is designed to substantially improve workforce development services for both disadvantaged job and skill seekers, and for businesses in the City of Boston. Among SkillWorks partnerships are: Healthcare Training Institute (HTI) Lead Agency: JVS Hotel Training Center (HTC) Lead Agency: BEST Corp (Boston Education, Skills & Training Corp.) Year Up Financial Services Partnership Lead Agency: Year Up
Boston Private Industry Council The Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) Serves as Boston's workforce investment board and its school-to-career intermediary. The mission of the PIC is to strengthen Boston's communities and its workforce by connecting youth and adults with education and employment opportunities that prepare them to meet the skill demands of employers.
Bunker Hill Community College BHCC’s Initiatives with Community Based Organizations (CBOS) BHCC values success by modeling successful college initiatives: collaborating with public and private sectors such as Boston Private Industry Council, Year Up, Skills Works, Jewish Vocational Services and other interest groups to promote student development among all student populations. Collaborations with CBOs fosters a dynamic educational environment that is accessible and that is invested in the social and economic wellbeing of our students. Collaborate with CBOs and respect the value that each student brings to the College by helping to celebrate learning as an interactive and reciprocal process. These partnerships support student-centered learning and draw upon the rich diversity of our students’ life experiences by using strategies and technologies to maximize opportunities for reaching educational goals.
Partnerships-Year Up Professional training program for urban young adults age 18-24; combination of soft skills training & technical skills in either IT or Finance 6 months of intensive coursework followed by 6 month internship Students earn 18 college credits and a modest weekly stipend 84 % of graduates attain full-time employment or school within 4 months of graduation from the program 300 students served annually in Boston, with 1400 alumni National organization with 9 sites across the country
Partnerships-JVS Collaborate with Boston-area hospitals, human service agencies, colleges and CBOs to address workforce development needs Develop and deliver workforce development pipeline of services to pre- employment and entry level employees that enable them to get jobs and grow their careers Upgrade employee skills and credentials through post-secondary education Enrolled over 400 clients from January, 2009 to today. Of those: Over 130 clients enrolled in a post-secondary program Over 45 clients receive a post-secondary degree or certificate Over 70 clients receive a skilled credential (Microsoft Word, CNA, etc.)
Services 1. Assist SkillWorks participants, mostly working adults, who are pursuing and/or engaged in post- secondary certificates and degrees at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC). 2. Help students with application, financial aid, transcripts, and career planning. 3. Help students access campus and off campus resources. 4. Collaborate with SkillWorks partnerships.
Fall continued 15 new participants 47 participants Participants Fall participants 1 withdrew 2 deferred Spring continued 2 withdrew 15 new participants 2 withdrew Spring new Total: 51
Discuss! Navigator Challenges: As a college coach, what are some common challenges you encounter? (if you are not a coach, hypothesize) OR Student Barriers: What sorts of barriers are most common for the adult students you work with when it comes to college enrollment and retention?
Navigator’s Challenges Students make decisions without asking you. Students are working and have little time to meet. Some students are working and trying to find a job at the same time. Students move to another city. Students change their phone numbers.
Common Barriers for Students Application Choosing a major College Placement Test (CPT) Asking questions/Self-advocacy Negotiating with employers
Common Barriers for Students Finding information & resources on campus Choosing courses Time management Financial constraints Securing employment to help fund school
Achievements & Highlights Forming relationships with key personnel on campus Retention (Fall-Spring-Fall) Increased familiarity with campus (& vice versa) Can anticipate students’ questions and find answers proactively Participants increasingly take responsibility for their own decision-making
Take Aways for College Navigators Be open to learning constantly Being on campus is key Evening and weekend hours Connect with key personnel on campus Department chairs Advising Admissions Financial Aid
Bunker Hill Community College Having a navigator on campus Builds and strengthens relationships between CBOs and BHCC Provides participants with a direct and personal point of contact Help students to overcome barriers that might hinder student success. i.e.. (first time college students, international students, students who are parents, etc.) Serve as a source of motivation and encouragement to students who might doubt their abilities or flounder
Partnership Advantages A voice on campus - liaison with faculty and staff Workshops-to help explain topics like the enrollment process and researching programs Tours of the campus Quick answers to questions Best practices
Partnership Advantages A trusted referral and advocate for program participants attending Bunker Hill Someone to help connect the dots between departments An on-campus resource with knowledge of college system Filled in a gap in services Short- and long-term career planning