Vesak 2015 for World Peace Sponsorship Opportunities
Vesak 2015 for World Peace ▪ This event is hosted by United Sangha in lower Mainland Area ▪ Event date: May 16, 2015 ▪ Event Venue: Italian Cultural Centre ▪ Expected Participants: ▪ Sponsorship levels: Gold - Gold Lotus, Blue - Blue Lotus, White - White Lotus
General Sponsorship Benefits As a sponsor of the Vesak2015 event you will receive: ▪ Your company logo on our Vesak2015 website with a link to your company website ▪ Your company logo and name on Vesak2015 event schedule pamphlet ▪ Delegate seats reserved to attend the main hall Vesak activities ▪ Public acknowledgement at the media conference ▪ The opportunity to display 100 copies of one key piece of your corporation’s printed information at a special sponsors’/partners’ publication site at the event venue
Specific Sponsorship Levels and Benefits GoldBlueWhite Sponsoring Amount$5,000 CAD$3,000 CAD$1,000 CAD Name and Logo on website home page (one year) Name and Logo on the website Event & Free Admission subpage (one year) Name and Logo on the info boards at the entrance of the venue (day of the event) A brief introduction (max. 100 words) of the sponsors on the event schedule pamphlet (day of the event) Name and Logo on the event schedule pamphlet (day of the event)
Partnership Charity PartnerMedia Partner Name and Logo on website home page (one year) Name and Logo on the info boards at the entrance of the venue (day of the event) A brief introduction (max 100 words) on the event schedule pamphlet (day of the event) Name and Logo on the event schedule pamphlet (day of the event) Expectation from our partnersPromotional Coordination