7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 1 NuMI Beam line Power Supplies The supplies in the line is detailed Main Ring Style…………………..…1 PEI/Transrex 500Kw……………….10 PEI 20Kw…………………………..10 PEI 240Kw…………………………..2 MI Correction elements……..……….6
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 2 Transrex vs PEI 500Kw supplies
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 3 Rework All of the PEI style power supplies have been modified and installed Controls cables are installed in MI60 and MI62 but final connection will completed after the data base is setup.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 4 Series Regulation The groups of supplies will be regulated by one current regulator. Each supply will have an SCR Unit with a closed voltage loop, the same as the single supplies. All the supplies act as if they are one. The supplies will all receive the same voltage reference. The P1 and A1 lines have this supply configuration in operations now.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 5 Upgrades Reused “Main Ring SCR Unit”. Better Voltage control. Maintenance techs have experience and knowledge. Little or no down time due to these chassis. Need new current loop added to the chassis. Added a filtered voltage monitoring card to the chassis. New Gate Firing circuits. Two Quadrant operation. (Invert). Remove Diodes in the Bypass and add SCRs.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 6 Ramp Calculator Each Load Will Use the Max P.S. Voltage. Operation will have only one data point to adjust. Same control as the P1,P2,P3 and A1 lines
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 7 Power Supply Controls C468 Ramp Generators: Current Reference. Each magnet load will have one current reference. Voltage reference feed forward created by P.S. reg. L di/dt +IR and Integrator
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 8 MI Regulation Improvements The C468 card’s DAC output has too much noise and drift. We are installing a local DAC in the current regulation system to improve the noise. The local DAC has better temperature drift numbers but is not in a better environment. Additional improvement will be installed as needed. Temperature regulation of the DAC. Flattop correction for magnet temperature. (JITTER) Low Beta/MI style Current regulator. B LB Learning system.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 9 Series Power Supply Controls The reuse of existing equipment requires a series connection of two or three supplies on each of three magnet loops. The operations interface needs to be simple. Look like only one supply to the operations crews. Controlled turn on and off. Access for maintenance needs to be simple.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 10 Beam Loss Issues The current regulation system has an absolute value circuit on the current error and will abort the beam in the MI if the supply is out of regulation. For the more critical loads an independent window detector will not allow the beam to leave the MI if the current is not within the window at flattop time. Two of the supplies have critical device controllers installed.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 11 Present Status All the PEI supplies are installed. Five are installed at MI-60. The HV101 loop has 3 supplies in series. The Lam60 and V100 loops are single supplies. We expect to add filters later for improved regulation. A Main Ring style supply is being installed at MI-62 for the V105 loop. A single PEI is installed at MI-62 for the V110 loop. A filter will also be added to this loop. All the 20Kw quad loop power supplies are installed.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 12 Present Status Continued. The smaller 20Kw supplies have had simple modifications and installed in MI-60 and MI-62. The digital status has been increased. This will read back to the MCR all things that trip the supply. The MI ring uses this type of supply in the MI-8 line and the supplies being installed in the NuMI line will be brought up to the same level of controls.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 13 Pulsed Power Source The MI-62 power panel and transformer has enough unused equipment for all the NuMI supplies being added as a result of the addition of the Main Ring supply for the V105 loop. MI-60 has a new power panel installed but the 1,500Kva pulsed duty transformer has not been installed. All the line power and controls installations have been completed at both 60 and 62 with with the exception of the V105 supply. Civil construction needs to be completed before the transformer can be installed. All load connections will require extended MI access.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 14 Expected Completion of Supplies The supplies in the MI-62 and MI-60 building should be completed Sept Assembly of the Main Ring supply cabinet has started but will not be able to be tested until the civil construction is complete. All the controls can/will be tested. We have started the HV101 power supply controls testing. The Voltage regulation system can be tested using a temporary load. The current regulation and filter testing will have to wait until the loads are connected.
7/11/01Steven Hays E/E Support Page 15 NuMI Regulation Improvements Any improvements to the MI beamline regulation system will be added to the NuMI line supplies. The improved flattop regulation will be added after we have proven it in the MI lines. Improved current feedback in terms of DCCTs will be added as needed for each loop. The Low Beta/MI ring current regulation chassis will be added for even better current reference as needed. The B LB regulation system will be used only if necessary.