How STEAM and the “Maker Culture” are Transforming 21 st Century Education Kathy Taylor Brown Shaking Up Learning Rochester Community Schools 2014
ging_education_paradigms ging_education_paradigms Ken Robinson TED Talk: Changing Education Paradigms
STEM to STEAM is an initiative to add Art and Design to the national agenda of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education and research in America. The goal is to foster the true innovation that comes with combining the mind of a scientist or technologist with that of an artist or designer.
STEAM Education brings functional literacy to all. STEAM bridges the gap between business and education, creating a more productive and sustainable global culture based on teamwork. STEAM connects all disciplines and learning styles and is naturally engaging. STEAM education is FUN! It has the added benefit of bringing back joy to teaching and learning through project –based collaborative learning
. 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. RES. 51Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that adding art and design into Federal programs that target the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields encourages innovation and economic growth in the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 4, 2013
A technology-based extension of the DIY (Do-it-yourself) movement. Interests of the maker-culture include engineering-based pursuits such as electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, as well as more traditional activities such as metalworking, woodworking, and traditional arts and crafts. Maker Culture stresses new and unique applications of technologies, and encourages invention and prototyping. There is a strong focus on using and learning practical skills and applying them creatively.
Maker-culture is closely associated with the rise of Hackerspaces (a physical workspace) There are now over 100 in the United States, and many around the world. Hackerspaces allow like-minded individuals to share ideas, tools, and skillsets. One notable example is TechShop. Those who identify with the subculture can be found at universities with a technical orientation, such as MIT. As maker-culture becomes more popular, hackerspaces are becoming more common in universities and schools.
“Making happens any time students use technology to make something. The Maker Movement of the 21st C is all about modern invention and innovation, and it combines new technologies into the mix to include open hardware (like littleBits,) computing platforms and programming tools (like Arduino,) and tools like laser cutters and 3D printers alongside say—a sewing machine.” Karen Balliett
Simply put, Makerspaces are community centers with tools. They combine manufacturing equipment, community, and education to enable members to design, prototype and create works that wouldn’t be possible to make if working alone.
Makerspaces can range from individuals sharing space and tools to large re-purposed warehouses.
All Makerspaces are unique to the community they serve but are united in the p urpose of providing access to equipment, community, and education
makerspaces.html makerspaces.html hop+youtube&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail& mid=E833A016D5D663BD5EE7E833A016D5 D663BD5EE7 hop+youtube&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail& mid=E833A016D5D663BD5EE7E833A016D5 D663BD5EE7 TechShop Detroit
“Maker-Culture" is a re-branding of curriculum that has traditionally been taught in school; Wood Shop, Visual Arts, Design, Foods, Sewing, Music, Home Economics These subjects are being refreshed and transformed by growing access to technology, the wide availability of open- source materials
STEAM education and Maker culture reflects the technological, political, and economic zeitgeist: The need for a technologically skilled work force It offers hope for a revival of American manufacturing Addresses concerns about STEM education cutting many of the programs in schools that foster these skills — arts, wood shop, metal shop, computer science — to make more room for more standardized testing.
The current cover of “Scholastic Administrator”, Winter, 2014
Makerspaces enhance the community by repurposing unused or abandoned space Makerspaces teach employable and entrepreneurial skills They create lucrative benefits by partnering with area businesses and organizations who reap the rewards of a better skilled workforce and locally developed products. Makerspaces become community gathering places, putting resource development into the hands of area residents, empowering ordinary people to become extraordinary makers of their future.
Little Bits/ magnet electronics Painting and tech Project made in Digital Fibers class Puppet making and electronics Drawing Music Tinkering school Project website Music and Learning
STEAM education is integrated into curriculum emphasizing the strong connection between arts education which connects all disciplines and learning styles School districts partner with local/ regional businesses to create community Makerspaces
“Re-brand” unified arts curriculum emphasizing that they are KEY to the STEAM initiative Build/find a place to create a community Makerspace working in partnership with local industry Schools create or designate a “Makerspace” in their buildings Use PD days to Train teachers and staff various methods and ideas to implement STEAM/ Making into the classroom Market the Makerspace concept to the community Utilize revenue generated from the Makerspace to help fund curriculum
STEAM education is integrated into k-12 curriculum ALL students become engaged, active, life long learners due to a culture that fosters the JOY of learning through differentiation, experimentation, and collaboration Student assessments improve, learning is enhanced A community Makerspace, is created, open to all, built in partnership with business, allowing community members a space to create, invent, and foster entrepreneurship Schools create a revenue stream enhancing funding
Schools can host a mini “Maker Faire” or Maker Carnival for the community Turn a school PD into ” Maker” sessions led by school Arts/Elective/Tech teachers Sponsor an after school “Maker Club” Designate a Makerspace in your school
makerspaces-in-schools-mary-beth-hertz helps-kick-off-u-s-department-of-education- bus-tour-across-america makerspaces-creating-a-business-model/ from “Make” magazine
Gary Stager TEDx Talk “We Know What To Do” Make to Learn: Research from Indiana University Making the Case for Making to Learn PPT ate_of_Create_Global_Benchmark_Study.pdf ate_of_Create_Global_Benchmark_Study.pdf Global benchmark study about attitudes and beliefs about creativity at work, home and school/ DATA
Music and Learning Michigan State University research linking childhood participation in arts and crafts activities to patents generated and businesses launched as adults. Steam/Sesame Street Creative Intelligence Invent to Learn/ideas and Resources Digital portfolios Project website