ORIENTATION Introducing the: Academic Information Service
Who are we? Academic Information Service (AIS) Library
WELCOME Medical Library In the HW Snyman Building – Left at the entrance – Left at the entrance
Service Units [Within the AIS – collections are arranged according to Faculties] Level 1: Social Sciences and Theology Level 2: Economics and Business Management Level 3: General Services – circulation counter; cyberspace; photocopiers Level 4: Study Collection Level 5: Science and Engineering Level 6: Humanities
Off-campus Service Units Law Library (East Campus) Music Library (Music Academy) Medical Library (Pretoria Academic Hospital) Pre-Clinical Library (Basic Medical Science) Klinikala Library (Kalafong Hospital) Veterinary Science Library (Onderstepoort) Education Library (Groenkloof) Subject-specific information is provided in each service unit. All the information sources and services of a specific subject are centralized in the service units.
What do we do? We provide support to students, lecturers, personnel and researchers Contribute to accessibility of information Value added support – identification, organization, storing, retrieval and dissemination of information
When? Library Hours: Medical Library: NORMAL HOURS: Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 19:00 Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 19:00 Tuesday8:30 – 19:00 Tuesday8:30 – 19:00 Saturday8:30 – 13:00 Saturday8:30 – 13:00 Pre-Clinical Library: Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 16:00 Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 16:00 Tuesday8:30 – 16:00 Tuesday8:30 – 16:00 Saturdayclosed Saturdayclosed Library Hours: Medical Library: NORMAL HOURS: Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 19:00 Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 19:00 Tuesday8:30 – 19:00 Tuesday8:30 – 19:00 Saturday8:30 – 13:00 Saturday8:30 – 13:00 Pre-Clinical Library: Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 16:00 Monday, Wednesday to Friday 7:30 – 16:00 Tuesday8:30 – 16:00 Tuesday8:30 – 16:00 Saturdayclosed Saturdayclosed
Admission to the AIS - Library Admission is by means of a valid student card/proof of registration Register as a library user Registration takes place at the counter Network registration at counter
STUDY COLLECTION or [GV] The purpose of the study collection is to ensure that the books are accessible to as many people as possible To use this collection the user must be registered as a library user Students are expected to purchase their own prescribed books The reserved books may only be used in the library Some Study Collection material recommended by lecturers may be made available electronically Users can then use the library’s computers – printing 30c per page – or can be saved to a disk. Such material is also available through the Internet on the University’s website to registered students from home
Photocopying(Minolta) Requires student card Pay at counter with Minolta personnel Photocopying at 25c/A4 page and 50c/A3 page 50c/A3 page
Loan of books Requires a student card and registration as a library user 6 Books at 14 days are allowed Books which are out on loan may be reserved and are then available to the person once they have been returned Renewal of books can be done in person, on the phone or via the Internet
Loan of books cont… Anyone removing books illegally will be charged and can expect to be expelled from the University Fines are payable for late books Books that are overdue for more than 30 days are considered lost and must be replaced or paid for
Access to Internet In order to access: In order to access: Full text journal articles Lectures Health databases Other sites You must be registered as a library user LIBRARY REGISTRATION Renewable ANNUALLY
Printing from computers To print from computers in the library: Cost:30c per page Money can be paid into your print account at the Library counter (library) To print from computers in the Computer lab: Cost:30c per page Money can be paid into your print account at the Cashier counter (administration) IMPORTANT: PLEASE LOGOUT WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED Otherwise others may print on your account!!!
Training Available in small groups and/or individuals Reserve a time at the counter
Study Centre MAIN CAMPUS: 24 hour availability for registered study centre users (student card holders only) Registration is at the Security desk – in the entrance to the main library (07:30 – 21:00) FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES: Situated in the HW Snyman Building North opposite the Computer Laboratory on Level 2
Please do not…
The AIS acknowledge The academic and intellectual freedom of the individual which means that there is no censorship That the privacy of the individual will be respected That the confidentiality of personal information will be maintained That the users will be bona fide students of the University of Pretoria That other users will be from formal partner institutions of the University of Pretoria Excerpts from the Code of Conduct for the AIS
The other role player namely YOU, the user, is expected to undertake the following when making use of the services and facilities of the AIS:- Services and facilities will not be abused Good relations and understanding will be maintained with fellow-users Honesty and transparency in communication with personnel and fellow-users will be maintained When transgressing the prescribed code of conduct, the transgressor will be subjected to the monitoring channels created for transgressors.
This code of conduct, accepted by the students themselves, is our guideline for behaviour to ensure that this valuable treasure is not only protected for future generations, but also developed further as a national asset. Thank you that you also care!
Service Pledge to all users We undertake to: be the gateway for access to globally available academic information provide access to all recommended text books if commercially available and with co-operation from the lecturers ensure a balanced collection of information sources within financial constraints provide group training sessions in the information literacy skills required to use our services correctly and to assess your information needs provide the information or feedback on requests within two working days of receiving a written client request have an Information Specialist available for appointments
Under-Graduate Students We request you to: register as library users, abide by the rules and keep student registration cards with you at all times adhere to the Code of Conduct and be co- responsible for the conservation and maintenance of the collection, infrastructure and physical facilities buy the prescribed books be computer literate make yourself available for training in information literacy
Updated: Susan Scheepers 2005