Welcome to First Grade! Please feel free to look around the classroom and then have a seat at your child’s desk. If you have any questions during my presentation please wait until the end to ask.
Ms. Ehrgott
About Ms. Ehrgott - Born and raised in Roxbury - Caldwell College, Elementary Ed. & Social Studies - Have taught for the past two years in Roxbury, Randolph, Wharton, and Montville - 1 st grade maternity leave twice - 4 th grade maternity leave - Kindergarten Maternity leave - Basic Skills Instructor - I’m thrilled to be here at Valley Road School!
Goals For Your Child To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to second grade. To provide a safe, supportive, and fun classroom environment. To help you make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during first grade are: Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies Health Handwriting
Language Arts – Balanced Literacy - Reading Workshop Mini Lesson Independent or partner reading Share - Guided Reading (small group instruction) - Project Read to build upon phonics skills
Writing - Writer’s Workshop Mini Lesson Students try it out Sharing Unit 1 – My Pictures Tell A Story
Math - Envision Mathematics Hands on manipulatives Engaging math video Pamphlet Guided Practice (do together) Indpendent Practice (do on their own) Problem Solving (do together)
Classroom Community In our classroom community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. We worked together to make our rules. Our class rules are: Raise your hand. Listen when someone is speaking. Be kind to everyone. Clean up your space. If you have a problem, tell an adult.
Positive Reinforcement - Warm and Fuzzies! - Whole Class earns 20 and picks a prize together - Individuals earn 10 and picks out of prize box. - Rewarding positive behavior which goes along with following the classroom rules
Behavior Chart Green – Ready to Learn Yellow – Think about it Orange – Teachers Choice Red – Parent contact ( / phone call) “Move your clip” - responsible for their behavior
Star of the Week Star of the week started today! announced on Friday Worksheet to fill out goes home Bring back Monday Star of the Week presents on Monday Friday brings in 5 items about themselves
Lunch and Recess Lunch and Recess are FUN parts of being in First Grade! Our lunch occurs every day at 12:25 – 1:05 pm everyday! Recess is given daily and as long as the weather permits we go outside immediately following our lunch period.
Snack We will be having snack each morning. Most days, snack will take place around 9:30 A.M. Please be aware of allergies in the classroom.
Build a LOVE of Reading Scholastic Book Order Forms - Go home every month - Order online with our classroom code: - Have your child pick one or two books that interest them whether it’s reading independently or together you can help your child learned to love reading!
Mystery Readers inviting guests (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends) I provide the current story we are reading spend about 15 minutes interested in reading to the class please complete form below tonight or send in a sealed envelope in child’s backpack (don’t give away the surprise) Once a date is set, we will have you complete clues about yourself Clues are general to specific
Homework It is assigned Monday through Thursday each week. Most days there will be 1 – 2 assignments in your child’s folder to be completed at home and return. Homework consists of spelling practice packet due every Friday and a math worksheet due the following day. It is your child’s responsibility to hand in their homework each morning. Blue Homework Folders must be returned to school everyday! (Will replace them in Jan.)
Contact Information If you need to contact me throughout the year send a note, call, or me. I will try to respond as quickly as possible. My is This is the best way to contact me!
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I am so excited for a fun and productive year!