B.H.A.G! 1
BHAGs! A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a strategic statement similar to a vision statement which is created to focus an organization on a single medium-long term organization- wide goal which is audacious, likely to be externally questionable, but not internally regarded as impossible. 2
One Newark is a community-wide agenda to ensure that all students are in excellent schools and thriving communities, and are on the path to excel in college and 21 st century careers. Out of 100 schools in Newark, only about 20 are good. One Newark’s commitment is to ensure that our children have 100 excellent schools. 3
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. System-wide Accountability – Standard approaches to tracking student, school, and system success and progress across all schools. (district, charter, and provider-run) Universal Enrollment – Universal Enrollment is straightforward, user-friendly, and empowers our students & families to choose the school (charter, partner, or NPS) experience that best meets the student’s needs and preferences. Citywide Facilities and Technology Plan – Bold, inspirational, and participatory plan to operationalize the “21 st century learning environments for all students” piece of One Newark vision. Common Core Mastery and PARCC Readiness – Lead the nation in the number of students living below the poverty level making progress towards Common Core mastery and PARCC readiness, especially those who are too often left behind. Equity and Access for All Students – Increase the number of high quality seats for all students – particularly those too often left behind. Shared Vision for Excellent School – Embed the demand for 100 excellent schools and the groundswell of support for the changes necessary to get there. Systemic Conditions for Success – Radically transform NPS to ensure it is a high performing organization for years to come. 4
Demographics do not dictate performance; some schools significantly outperform predicted scores Difference Between Actual and Predicted LAL Scale Scores ( ) Source: NJDOE
District of Columbia Public Schools & NAEP 6
Success Academies Math 82% of students passed the Common Core-aligned 2013 state exam. Success Academy ranks in the Top 1% of all New York schools in Math -ELA -Success Academy in the Top 7% of all New York schools in ELA. -Success Academy students performed 27% higher than the New York State average in ELA. 7
Table Conversation 1.What do these three slides tell you about our collective BHAGs? 2.Did you attain your BHAGs last year? 3.If you had to identify one thing to propel your BHAGs this year, what would it be? 8
Three Big Investments 1.Rigor 2.Teams 3.Non-Academic Skills 9
NJASK v. PARCC PARCC 8 th Grade ELA Item: You have read excerpts from two novels focused on survival in the wilderness. These excerpts are from: Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen Call of the Wild by Jack London Consider how the main character in each excerpt reacts to the incidents that occur, and write an essay in which you analyze how each character’s thoughts and actions reveal aspects of his personality. You do not need to compare and contrast the characters from the two texts. You may consider each one separately. Be sure to include evidence from each excerpt to support your analysis and understanding. 11
Investments Mapped onto 10 Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 1.Internalize how PARCC defines Common Core mastery and how the NPS Teacher Framework can accelerate teacher practices to prepare students. 2.Tailor the district’s yearlong “instructional calendar and user guide” that articulates how to use the adopted curricula and assessments strategically for depth of learning. 3.Support teachers to maximize daily math and literacy blocks using approved resources and strategies to ensure all students master Common Core standards. 4.Coach teachers to implement high impact instructional strategies that will help students meet PARCC demands. 12 Rigor
BHAGs & Teams "A true BHAG is clear and compelling, serves as unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a clear catalyst for team spirit. It has a clear finish line, so the organization can know when it has achieved the goal; people like to shoot for finish lines." —Collins and Porras 13
Investments Mapped onto 10 Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 5.Charter and support teacher teams to skillfully reflect on student work and to radically improve long-term, unit, and lesson planning for individual teachers and teacher teams. 6.Implement Student Support Teams and rituals to ensure school staff regularly engage in strength-based conversations to proactively support students before they struggle. 14 Teams
Non-Academic Skills "Absolutely, cognitive skill and IQ make a big difference; vocabulary matters. But… I think there's lots of evidence out there now that says that these other strengths, these character strengths, these noncognitive skills, are at least as important in a child's success and quite possibly more important.” —Tough 15
Investments Mapped onto 10 Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 1.Structure dedicated time to teach non-academic skills and to promote classroom communities. 2.Improve attendance through connecting students to a primary person, engaging families, and designing school structures to provide additional incentives. 3.Radically reduce out-of-class time through progressive discipline, restorative practices, and student-centered responses to incidents. 16 Non-Academic Skills
Three Investments Mapped onto 10 Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 1.Internalize how PARCC defines Common Core mastery and how the NPS Teacher Framework can accelerate teacher practices to prepare students. 2.Tailor the district’s yearlong “instructional calendar and user guide” that articulates how to use the adopted curricula and assessments strategically for depth of learning. 3.Support teachers to maximize daily math and literacy blocks using approved resources and strategies to ensure all students master Common Core standards. 4.Coach teachers to implement high impact instructional strategies that will help students meet PARCC demands. 5.Charter and support teacher teams to skillfully reflect on student work and to radically improve long-term, unit, and lesson planning for individual teachers and teacher teams. 6.Implement Student Support Teams and rituals to ensure school staff regularly engage in strength-based conversations to proactively support students before they struggle. 7.Structure dedicated time to teach non-academic skills and to promote classroom communities. 8.Improve attendance through connecting students to a primary person, engaging families, and designing school structures to provide additional incentives. 9.Radically reduce out-of-class time through progressive discipline, restorative practices, and student-centered responses to incidents. 17 Rigor Teams Non-Academic Skills Supporting all of these is the 10 th objective: Implement systems to ensure evaluations of Child Study Teams, Vice Principals, and all instructional staff are fair, evidence-based, timely, and helpful in improving practice.
If every principal in Newark: Embraces rigor for all students Charters and coaches high- performing teams Supports student growth in non-academic skills... We will reach our BHAGs! 18