A presentation to the Wilmington City Council February 3, Annual Report
Our History Founded in 1996, Approaching 20 th Anniversary Our Mission Promote, Protect and Enhance our Urban Forest Our Work ➢ Increase public education ➢ Establish award and recognition programs About the Tree Commission
Tree Awards Presented in April Recognize Projects Heritage Trees Founded in 2006 Presented in November Now 41 Trees or Groupings Trees Forever Donations Tree Commission Programs
Arbor Day NC Arbor Day (March) National Arbor Day (April) Earth Day Hundreds of Longleaf Pines Trees of Recognition Azalea Festival 12/12 Plantings Orientation, Planning Tree Commission Initiatives
Duke Energy New Hanover County Parks Conservancy Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Festival NC Forest Service NC Urban Forest Council Liaison Efforts
4 Heritage Trees--brought from China in 1918 Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba Maintenance Budgetary Support Proactive Preventive Pruning Structurally sound Minimize hazards Green Infrastructure U.S. Conference of Mayors
Market Street Reforestation City Council Resolution November 2012
Sonic Oak (Heritage Tree) Live Oak | Quercus virginiana
2015 Wilmington Tree Commission Members Connie ParkerChairperson Blair WaltonVice-Chairperson Linda SniderSecretary Bill Jayne Melanie Doyle Kathryn Graham Dr. Joe Pawlik Bob Wallen Angela Faison | Development Services Rep. Aaron Reese | Urban Arborist McCrary Park Tree Planting
For more information about the Commission’s activities: Wilmington Tree Commission