U.S. Science Support Program Jeff Schuffert Director, U.S. Science Support Program Ocean Leadership Board of Trustees Meeting Washington, D.C. 8 February 2012
U.S. Science Support Program Objective Facilitate scientific discovery via IODP by supporting widest possible participation by U.S. scientific community.
Platform Participation Expeditions on JOIDES Resolution Exp 336Mid-Atlantic Ridge Microbiology Exp 339Mediterranean Outflow Exp 340T Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex Exp 340Lesser Antilles Volcanism & Landslides Exp 342Newfoundland Sediment Drifts Exp 344Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project II Exp 345Hess Deep Plutonic Crust Exp 341Southern Alaska Margin Exp 346Asian Monsoon
Platform Participation Expeditions on Chikyu Exp 343Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project Exp 337Shimokita Coal Bed Biosphere Exp 338NanTroSEIZE Stage 3
Workshops Greenland Ice Sheet History 7-9 November 2011, Corvallis, Ore. Convener: Joe Stoner (OSU) USSSP support: $26,000 Circum-Arctic Ocean Shelves and Continental Slopes December 2011, San Francisco Convener: Carolyn Ruppel (USGS) USSSP support: $40,000 Observatories in Scientific Ocean Drilling September 2012, Houston Convener: Brandon Dugan (Rice) USSSP support: $40,000
Mapping the Sumatran Marginal Plateau Sean Gulick and James Austin (UT Austin) received $13,331 for graduate student to interpret bathymetry and seismic data for IODP Proposal 704-Full2. Observatory Fabrication for J-FAST Patrick Fulton (UT Austin) received $14,998 for salary and travel to fabricate observatory instruments for Expedition 343; IODP-MI committed funds for materials. Osa Melange Investigation Robert Harris (Oregon St. Univ.) received $2,055 in travel funds to examine outermost forearc of Middle America Trench erosive plate boundary as exposed on Osa Peninsula, Cost Rica, in preparation for Expedition 344. Pre-Drilling Activities
U.S. Community Workshop Goals: Demonstrate size and breadth of U.S. IODP research base. Determine U.S. research priorities within context of internationally developed post-2013 IODP Science Plan. Set stage for smooth transition (increase number of ready-to- drill proposals in SAS, prepare for more efficient ship tracks, build collaborations and synergies, etc.). Process: 1.Online community survey in December 2011 – January 2012; results will guide final development of in-person workshop. 2.Community workshop on 30 April – 2 May 2012 in Denver; 75 participants, selected from survey respondents, will represent broader community.
Who Participated 433 Survey Participants All ResponsesNew to Program (19%)
Who Participated? 39 states + DC
Institutions 117 Institutions Number of Participants
Institutions Number of Participants ~50% of Participants from 13 Institutions
Disciplines Number of Participants
Involvement in Other Initiatives Number of Participants
Education and Outreach