DEMOTION Demotion is Lowering of rank Reduction in salary Reducing of status Reducing of responsibility
Defination Demotion can be defined as “the assignment of an individual to a job of lower rank and pay usually involving lower level of difficulty and responsibility”.
Meaning of demotion Used as a punishment For search of discipline Brings bad name to employee Difficult to be borne if punitive
Causes of demotions Breach of discipline Inadequacy of knowledge Unable to cope with change Organisational re- organisation.
Demotion policy Clear-cut set of rules Employees should be communicated the grounds which will attract demotion. Machinery to investigate violation of rules Employees should be given an opportunity to explain their conduct Can state in their defence Consistent and equitable action against all employees for violation.
Employees should be given an opportunity to explain their conduct Can state in their defence Consistent and equitable action against all employees for violation.
No pick and choose of any type Review provision if situation so warrants Provision for appeal to top management.
Advantage of demotion Keeping employees alert to their responsibilities.
Disadvantage Demoralise the employees Affects efficiency Affects mental stability Affects emotions Do not improve working of employees Employees may leave organisation
TRANSFERS MEANING OF TRANSFER Movement of an employee from one job to another. May involve more responsibility and higher pay compared to promotion. Done to fil a vacant post by posting a person to a similar job.
PURPOSE OF TRANSFERS Satisfy organisational needs Employee’s request Proper utilisation of employees Adjustment of workforce. To increase versatility of employees Maintaining tenure system Penalising employees.
TYPES OF TRANSFERS Replacement transfers Production transfers Shift transfers Versatility transfers Remedial transfers
TRANSFER POLICY Clarify type of transfers and conditions under which these will be made. There should be specific authority which should initiate and implement transfers.o Area of transfer should be specified. Indicate basis of transfers Decide the rate of pay to be paid to transferee. Intimate fact of transfer to concerned person well in time
Transfers should be in writing, properly communicated to all concerned Transfers should be minimum,not just for the sake of transfers.