Overview Administrative vs Punitive Demotions Types of Admin Demotion Demotion Policy Demotion Authority Demotion Process
MP 1: Admin Vs Punitive Administrative demotions are not punitive Administrative demotion can be used to correct behavior Punitive demotion is to punish the member because a law was broken or a violation of SCMJ/UCMJ occurred Applies to grades E-2 through E-9
MP 2: Types of Admin Demotion Involuntary To correct behavior after less severe measures have failed Unsatisfactory participation (6 or more unexcused absences from UTA) Failure to fulfill NCO responsibilities Failure to meet fitness standards Failure to complete training Failure to attain grade/skill relationship
MP 2: Types of Admin Demotions Voluntary (*without prejudice) Change of assignment (job position) DSG FSS position to full-time MX position Max tour length for full-time personnel Example: First Sergeant position *Without abandonment of a claim, privilege, or right, and without an admission of liability
Basis for Demotion Based on fact Must have occurred during members current enlistment/extension Exception: new evidence surfaces after enlistment Demotion Action Must be completed during enlistment/extension Demotion action must reflect member’s appropriate grade MP 3: Demotion Policy
MP 4: Demotion Authority The State Adjutant General (TAG) exercises demotion authority May delegate demotion authority to wing/group commanders for TSgt & below Squadron commanders recommend demotion action
MP 4: Demotion Authority Authority must be convinced Must have sufficient reason Demotion authority may consider everything in member’s file Does not have to determine what may be admissible in court Remember no law was broken or UCMJ/SCMJ not violated, hence administrative
MP 5: Demotion Process Immediate Commander Consult with servicing Staff Judge Advocate Inform member in writing in person or by certified mail State specific reasons Provide facts Inform member of right to legal counsel Provide concurrence instructions Provide acknowledgement of receipt instructions
Member Acknowledge receipt within 5-days of delivery May consult with counsel before electing to concur or nonconcur with recommendation Submit documentation on his/her behalf within specified time May request personal interview with immediate commander MP 5: Demotion Process
After assessment of member’s response the immediate commander could: Terminate action Proceed with demotion and forward to FSS FSS reviews package then forwards package to the demotion authority MP 5: Demotion Process
Demotion Authority Legal review Render decision Return to FSS FSS Notifies the immediate commander of decision Sends squadron/member a copy of demotion order MP 5: Demotion Process
Summary Administrative vs Punitive Demotions Types of Admin Demotion Demotion Policy Demotion Authority Demotion Process