Objective: Understand how OneNote is organized and how to back it up. Purpose: OneNote is an application that can be used to hold all of your content for your classes. To use it effectively requires you to understand how it’s organized and how to back it up. Digital Note Taking 2 NextDigital Note Taking 2Go Back
Select Start. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Go to Programs. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Go to Microsoft Office. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 You might also have a OneNote shortcut on your desktop that you could use. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Like Windows Journal, Microsoft OneNote is a digital note-taking application. You can annotate directly onto blank OneNote files or documents that you send to OneNote. Remember you saw the Send to OneNote feature in the last lesson. The difference between the two note-taking applications can best be explained by an analogy. NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next It’s great to use on any assignment that your teacher wants you to turn in. All you have to do is save it and then upload it. It also works well as “scratch paper” or when you’re taking notes that you don’t want to keep. Journal is like… A piece of paper. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next It provides you everything that Journal does, but it also provides a way for you to organize a large amount of notes and content for your classes all in one place. OneNote is like… A Binder Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
However, just like a three-ring binder OneNote will only be helpful if you understand how it’s organized. Let’s start off by looking at folders, sections and pages. Select the drop down arrow next to My Notebook. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
The window that opens up shows you what’s in the My Notebook folder. From there you can browse the different folders and sections. Select the toggle button next to the Period 1 folder. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Within the Period 1 folder are two sections called Notes and Vocabulary. Select Notes. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
You’re now within the Notes section of the Period 1 folder. You can go to different sections by selecting the section title along the top. Select Vocabulary. Folders can contain sections and other folders. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Each section contains pages. The pages are where your content such as notes, vocabulary, research, completed assignments or anything else will be added. All the pages are listed to the right. NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2
You can go to a page by selecting the page title. Select the fourth page down called Vocabulary. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next Let’s quickly review folders, sections and pages. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next My Notebook The main folder in My Documents Folder Section Page All OneNote content can be found in the My Notebook folder in My Documents. Within My Notebook are folders. Within folders are sections or more folders. Within sections are pages. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next My Notebook The main folder in My Documents Folder Section Page For example, right now you’re looking at a page... that’s found in the Vocabulary section… in the Period 1 folder. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
The My Notebook you find preloaded onto your tablet will already have class folders and sections created for you like the ones you see in this lesson. However, you can add more folders, sections or pages. NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Insert on the menu bar. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
The first four choices allow you to create either a new page, subpage, section or folder. Once created you can name it and use it as is, or move it to another location. NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2
For the next part of the lesson close out of OneNote. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
OneNote automatically saves your work whenever you close the application so you never have to worry about saving. However, you do need to be concerned about backing up your work. NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select the My Documents icon on the desktop. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Next All of your OneNote files are located in the My Notebook folder in My Documents. Remember from the File Management lesson that My Documents are located on your tablet and if something were to happen to your tablet all of your OneNote files would be lost. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select My Notebook. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Edit on the menu bar. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Copy. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Minimize the window. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select the Shortcut to your N:drive. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Edit on the menu bar. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
Select Paste. Go BackDigital Note Taking 2
NextGo BackDigital Note Taking 2 The copy of My Notebook in your N:drive serves as a back up in case anything happens to your tablet and you lose the My Notebook found in My Documents. It’s important to repeat these steps on a weekly basis, if not daily.
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