Texas Instrument High Speed ADCs presentation summary SALVATORE DANZECA
What High Speed means? High Speed means a sampling rate higher than 40 MSPS (for TI). TI offer ADC from 40 MSPS up to 500 MSPs based on a pipelined architecture 16 bits resolution up to (370 MSPS) - 14 bit resolution (new design) (500 MSPS ) TI offer ADC from 1 GSPS up to 5 GSPS based on the folding architecture (interleaving of 2 ADCs) The >= GSPS have a maximum resolution of 12 bits.
How it is possible to transfer the data? Before there were the LVDS pairs. Today the switch is versus a standardized communication link the JESD204B (up to 12 GSPS per lane). All the newest GSPS ADCs use the JESD204B.
Are they radiation hardened? The technology is 65nm. One of the fastest component qualified is a 6.4GSPS 12 bit ADCs up to 100krad (NOT YET PUBLISHED) There are several other RAD-HARD components. The list is on the site at the link: ADS5400-SPADS5400-SP - 12-bit – 1GSPS ADC12D1600QML-SPADC12D1600QML-SP - 12-Bit, Single or Dual, 3200/1600/800 MSP ADS5474-SPADS5474-SP - 14 BIT 400 MSPS
PSI- Status 1.Contract ready 2.Weeks available (considering the hours left from the 2014) : 13 weeks available 3.No information yet on the new facility. Follow up in these days. 4.First users: EN/STI and Prof Di Lillo SRAM memories. 5.Send me the planned request for this year.