Unit 8: Bi 6A 1.10/
On the last page of your notebook, copy: OBJECTIVES ( Jan. 10,2013) 1. To list, differentiate and define the ecological levels of organization. 2. To define biodiversity and to reflect upon its importance through a poem. 3. To create a travel brochure on biomes.
DO NOW Looking at our objectives Levels of organization reading/handout Levels of organization chart Biodiversity Cornell Notes Biodiversity video Biodiversity poem Biomes brochure research/draft Vocabulary quiz Did we achieve our objectives?
While reading silently on your own, -underline, highlight and annotate -answer the questions by pointing arrows to where the answers are on the text Answer the handout File this under Unit 8.
Organism Definition Examples
Cornell notes, p. 2 Video PE3ve3w2w
What are your experiences with nature? How do you feel when you interacted with animals, plants and places? ( 2 min partner share, write some short notes on what you shared). Choose one style of writing poems. Write a poem expressing your thoughts about the importance of biodiversity.
biome.html biome.html You will be sharing information with your group members. Write the results of your research on p. 4 of your notebook. Focus on the questions.
On a sheet of paper, create a draft of your biomes brochure. Or you can create a bubblemap/flowchart to share your action plan on how you will make your brochure. Each group will share the same biome. But you will have to turn in your individual brochures as homework on Jan 14 ( Monday). Take-home graded assessment.