First Responder Awareness Level Training UNIT 1 - “Preparation” Capt. Mike Feeley, EMT-BA Ken Hendricks, Ed.S, NREMTP March 2008 1 1
Unit Objectives Identify OSHA and EPA training requirements Identify the role of the Awareness Level First Responder 2 2
Hazardous Materials Defined in numerous ways Simplified Definition U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Simplified Definition Extremely Hazardous Substances 3 3
Hazardous Materials Incidents “Haz-Mat” incidents are unique incidents. They require specialized protective measures not normally available to first responders AND they demand a different operational approach! 4 4
Mechanisms of Harm T.E.A.M. C.P.R. Thermal Chemical Etiological Psychological Asphyxiation Radiological Mechanical 5 5
Public Safety “Duty to Act” Public safety responders have a “Duty to Act”. Your level of involvement is defined by your employer’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The actions you are expected to take should be in Standard Operating Procedure format. NEVER exceed your level of training and protection! 6 6
Awareness Level Response Goals Recognition Isolation Protection Notification 7 7
North American Emergency Response Guidebook (NERG) Your tool for success. Every emergency vehicle should have a copy. Purpose: An aid for identification of the material involved. Outlines basic initial actions. Recommends protective action areas. Serves as an initial incident safety plan. 8 8
Legal Mandates Superfund Amendments and Re-Authorization Act of 1986 (SARA 1986). SARA Title I, Section 126 mandated OSHA to develop safety regulations for responders. SARA Title III requires local communities and facilities to plan and prepare for hazardous materials emergencies. 9 9
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HazWOpER) OSHA and EPA’s safety standard which was developed in accordance with the mandate of SARA Title I, Section 126. Codified as OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 and EPA 40 CFR 311. 10 10
Five Levels of Training First Responder Awareness Level First Responder Operational Level Hazardous Materials Technician Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Incident Commander 11 11
Operational Modes Awareness and Operational level responders take DEFENSIVE actions. Technicians and Specialists take OFFENSIVE actions. The Incident Commander coordinates the response and is ultimately responsible for safety. 12 12
Unit Summary Definition and difference T.E.A.M. C.P.R. lists the potential hazards Duty to Act Four roles for awareness responders R.I.P. NOT! Employer’s Emergency Response Plan Five levels of training Two operational modes 13 13
First Responder Awareness Level Training Unit 2 - “Hazard Identification” 1
Unit 2 - Hazard Identification Unit Objectives: - Identify the six clues to the presence of hazardous materials. - Identify the various hazard classes of hazardous materials. - Describe ways in which you can determine the specific identity of a hazardous material. 2
Remember your four goals! Recognition Isolation Protection Notification 3
Six Basic Clues to Recognition 1 - Occupancy and location 2 - Container shape and size 3 - Placards and labels 4 - Shipping papers/facility documents 5 - Markings and colors 6 - Human senses 4
Clue # 1 - Occupancy and Location (where is the situation?) Specific occupancy or general area Fixed facilities Five modes of hazardous materials transportation Rail, air, marine, highway and pipeline Drug lab considerations 5
Clue # 2 - Container Shape and Size Classifications Every Good Lady Should Carry Pretty Roses Carry Out Portable, fixed or transportation Pressure Non-pressurized, low or high pressure Vapor Pressure and Storage The higher the pressure, the greater the potential for catastrophic failure BLEVE 6
Clue # 3 - Placards and Labels Placards and their limitations Not always required The 1000 pound rule Placards and labels used for transport are based upon DOT Hazard Class Nine Hazard Classes Every good lady should order pretty roses carry out Subdivided into divisions Refer to page 11 or 14 of 1996 ERG 7
Every Good Lady Should Order Pretty Roses Carry Out Hazard Classes Every Good Lady Should Order Pretty Roses Carry Out Class 1 – Explosive Class 2 – Gases Class 3 – Liquid Class 4 – Solids Class 5 – Oxidizer Class 6 _ Poisons Class 7 _ Radioactive Class 8 _ Corrosives Class 9 _ ORM (other regulated materials)
Hazard Class 1 - Explosives Subdivided into 6 divisions 1.1 - Mass explosion hazard 1.2 - Projectile hazard 1.3 - Fire, minor blast or projectile 1.4 - Minor explosion 1.5 - Very insensitive explosives 1.6 - Extremely insensitive 8
Hazard Class 2 - Gases Pressurized or liquified Compressed nitrogen and liquified petroleum gases (LPG) are examples Product and container present hazards Three Subdivisions 2.1 - Flammable gases 2.2 - Non-Flammable, Non-Poisonous 2.3 - Poisonous Gases 9
Hazard Class 3 - Flammable/Combustible Liquids Flammable Liquids can be ignited at room temperature Combustible Liquids require some degree of pre-heating to ignite Number 1 rule - eliminate ignition sources 10
Hazard Class 4 - Flammable Solids Three subdivisions 4.1 - Flammable Solids 4.2 - Spontaneously Combustible 4.3 - Dangerous when wet 11
Hazard Class 5 - Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides Oxidizers release oxygen to enhance or intensify burn With strong fuels, oxidizers can create conditions which which can lead to violent combustion Many Organic Peroxides are very unstable 12
Hazard Class 6 - Poisonous and Infectious Substances Poisonous to human Can include severely irritating substances “Tear Gas”, Hydrocyanic acid, Carbon Tetrachloride Infectious Substances Potential to cause diseases in humans Anthrax, human blood and many body fluids 13
Hazard Class 7 - Radioactive Materials Ionizing radiation hazard Exposure does not always result in contamination Safety Rules: Time, Distance and Shielding Shipped in specialized containers 14
Hazard Class 8 - Corrosives 15
Hazard Class 9 - Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials ORM A - Dry Ice ORM B - Quick Lime, Metallic mercury ORM C - Asphalt, Battery parts ORM D - Consumer commodities ORM E - Hazardous substances and hazardous wastes 16
Pesticide Labels Product name Active ingredients Signal word Caution Warning Danger (Poison) Precautionary statements 17
Clue # 4 - Shipping Papers and Facility Documents 18
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Required to be maintained by the Federal Hazard Communication Standard and The Florida Right-to-Know Law Found at fixed facilities Provides a variety of information Emergency Response Plans (ERP) Emergency Action Plans (EAP) 19
Clue # 5 - Markings and Colors Container colors are not always standardized UN/NA identification numbers NFPA 704 Diamond Military markings 20
Methods of Identification Once you recognize, try to identify Location of material name Shipping papers MSDSs (fixed facilities) Facility Pre-Plans Employees and bystanders If you cannot safely identify, try to classify the material into a hazard class 23
Unit Summary Goals of recognition and identification Recognize, Classify, Identify Six clues to the presence of hazardous materials Occupancy and location, container shape and size, placards and labels, shipping papers and facility documents, markings and colors, the human senses There are nine general classes of hazardous materials 24
First Responder Awareness Level Training Unit 3 - “Taking Control” 1 1
Objectives Identify the procedures for initiating your Emergency Response Plan. Identify the proper procedures for implementing protective action distances. Take actions necessary to properly isolate the incident. 2 2
Steps for Proper Use of the NERG Recognize & Identify Hazardous Materials Name Four digit ID number Placard description Look up the guide page number Take basic protective actions according to the guide page Initiate isolation and evacuation according to protective action distances 4 4
Colors & Section of the NERG Yellow Border - - - ID Number Index of the Material Blue Border - - - Name of the Material Index Orange - - - Number Guide of Potential Hazards Green - - - Table of Evacuation Distances 4 4
Special Cautions of the NERG If the guide number is supplemented with the letter “P”, it indicates that the material may undergo violent polymerization if subjected to heat or contamination. If the index entry is highlighted (in either yellow or blue), it is a TIH (Toxic Inhalation Hazard) material, a chemical warfare agent or a Dangerous Water Reactive Material (produces toxic gas upon contact with water). 4 4
Page 1 Special Cautions of the NERG 4 4
Basic Protective Actions Your approach Your main objectives Isolate Protect by preventing contamination Initiate your Emergency Response Plan (Notify) 5 5
Proper Guide Page Use 6 6
Table of Protective Action Distances 7 7
Protective Action Options Shelter in-place Short duration incidents Greater hazard to attempt to move Impractical to evacuate Evacuation Potential for massive fire or explosion Long duration incidents 8 8
Emergency Response Information Firefighting Definition of “Haz-Mat Fire” Defensive Vs. Offensive Role of the awareness responder Spill / Leak Control Not an awareness level role First Aid Remember to prevent secondary contamination 9 9
Summary ERG provides Guidelines You can find a guide page by: Name, ID number or Placard comparison Basic instructions - page 1 Two indexes Orange guide pages Green protective action pages 10 10
First Responder Awareness Level Training Unit 4 - “Termination” 1
Objectives Identify the three actions necessary for proper termination Identify the information that should be received by responders during on-scene debriefing 2
Reasons for Termination Required by OSHA Relates important information to the responders Insures exposures are documented Insures that we improve our future responses 3
Steps to Proper Termination On-scene debriefing Incident critique After action analysis 4
Mike’s Summary Know what it means to be awareness/Ops level Know what resources you have for hazmat incidents – local, federal, shipper etc Knowledge of: containers and material involved, able to know how to collect hazmat info from multiple resources, predict behavior of material, estimate potential harm Understand how to plan a response, protect yourself, and control to your level of training Planned response Seen control measures, (hot- warm- cold zones) Decon is set up on the warm zone Establish IC system for scene control/Mgmnt Only act to your level of training Evaluate progress- are you helping or hindering Identify container types Drums, trailer types, placards, un #s Identify and know the hazard classes – Every good lady should order pretty roses carry out Identify terrorist and criminal incident Utilize the ICS command system to maintain control 4
scenario Wind 5-10 mph 1203 car Identify product Friday afternoon 2:30 car cut Off a semi going north causing Semi to flip on its side. Local Truck Driver is unconscious and Old man in car is having chest Pain & passenger is OK. You are first in unit,, How would you manage this scene car bystandard Reid Transportation Identify product What are your considerations Where do you set up IC/MIC What resources do you use Where is Dcon set up Copyright AMG 2008