Презентация к уроку английского языка с использованием УМК «Английский в фокусе-5» по теме «English Education" Выполнила: учитель английского языка МБОУ.


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Presentation transcript:

Презентация к уроку английского языка с использованием УМК «Английский в фокусе-5» по теме «English Education" Выполнила: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №1 Г.Климовска Токарева Е.Ю.

It is a place where you should go five or six times a week. It is a place where you can find the answers to your questions. It is a place where you can have a lot of friends. You can go to different clubs there. You can learn about interesting things there. What is this place?

My school is …

The word “School” is derived from the ancient Greek word, Skhole, which meant either leisure, or the things done in one's leisure time, or the place where one spent one's leisure time.

England has got a very interesting system of education. Education is class-divided in England. There are some state and private schools in England. The state schools may be into infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools.

Infant school British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5. They draw pictures, sing songs, play games, and listen to the stories and tales. British children begin to read and write when they enter the infant school. Little children are divided into two groups, according to their mental abilities. Children leave infant schools when they are 7 years old.

Junior school When they are 7 years old. They begin to study at junior schools where they learn to write, to read and to do mathematics. Boys and girls have got many interesting school subjects. They are History, English, Geography, Mathematics, Art, Music, Sport, Computing, Cooking. Boys and girls study at junior schools for four years. Then they take their examinations and enter the secondary schools.

Secondary school That is a type of school for children from 11 to 16 years old. Children can study at different types of secondary school: grammar schools which provide an academic education oriented towards university entry; secondary modern schools which were originally designed to give a general education English boys and girls finish their education by passing Common Entrance Examination.

Private school There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls don’t study together at these schools. The sons of the aristocracy go to public schools and their parents pay much money for their education.

School uniform Pupils have school uniforms in England. It is an old tradition in the country. A boy’s uniform consists of a special suit, a school cap, a tie and a blazer. A girl’s uniform consists of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse. As usual their uniform is dark.

Questions 1. What’s the age of the children in the infant school? 2. What do the children do in the infant school? 3.What’s the period of studying at junior schools? 4.Please, named the subjects which the children study in the junior schools. 5.How do the children finish their education in the secondary school? 6. What does a boy’s school uniform consist of? 7.What does a girl’s school uniform consist of?

A school year in Russia begins in August September November Russian children go to school at the age of five six seven A school year in Russia has two terms three terms four terms The longest school holidays are in autumn in winter in summer

Students in Russia go to school every day from Monday to Sunday from Monday to Saturday All students in Russia wear school uniform don't wear school uniform wear different school uniform All students in Russia can leave school at the age of twelve or thirteen sixteen or seventeen fourteen or fifteen Students in Russia have two or three lessons every day have five or six lessons every day have three or four lessons every day

Smart Student or Lazy Student? You are given some homework. You: a) do it at home before the lesson; b) do it on the same day. The teacher asks you to write a composition. You: a) write it without a plan; b) make a plan of your composition. You are going to have an exam. You: a) begin to study on the night before the exam; b) begin to study some days before the exams. Tomorrow you 'll have a test. You: a) go to bed late; b) go to bed early. Your teacher is explaining something new. You: a) ask your friend to repeat it; b) listen to the teacher and ask questions, if you don't understand.