Applying for a job Section 6.2.


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Presentation transcript:

Applying for a job Section 6.2

Read to learn How to prepare for and complete a job application How to write an effective resume and cover letter

Main Idea Making a good first impression on potential employers is essential to securing a job

Key concepts Preparing to apply Job applications Preparing a Resume Writing Cover Letters

Key Terms Social Security Number Work Permit Standard English Job Application Personal Fact Sheet References Resume Cover Letter

Preparing to apply Employers are Looking for the Best Person to Fill the Job Do you have the ability to do the work? How do you present yourself? How do you dress? How well do you communicate?

Be confident Do your best to project confidence and a positive, professional image every time you communicate with an employer

Be prepared The first step in applying for a job is having a social security number 123-45-6789 Key Term: Social Security Number- A unique nine-digit number issued by the federal government that is required for all workers

Be prepared If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident, you may need a work permit Some states require work permits is you are under the age of 16 or 18 Key Term: Work Permit- A document that shows you are allowed to work in the United States

Communicate effectively When you communicate with an employer, use Standard English Avoid using filler words like um, like, and you know. What should you do instead? Key Term Standard English The form of English you are taught in school

Job applications The Job application is one way an employer can screen job applicants http://www.nowhiring. com/job- apps/starbucks-job- application.pdf Key term: Job Application A form that asks questions about a job applicant’s skills, work experience, education and interests

Job Applications Creating a personal fact sheet will help you complete accurate job applications You already completed this!!! What was some of the information on your personal fact sheet? Keep in your class portfolio Key Term: Personal Fact Sheet- A list of all the information about yourself that you will need for a job application form Name Phone number Address Ssn # The date you can start work The days and hours you can work The pay you want Schools you have attended Places you have lived Awards or accomplishments Past jobs with contact information and dates Reasons for leaving past jobs

Completing the Job Application Job applications Completing the Job Application Fill out the form completely, neatly, and accurately Read and follow directions exactly Use Standard English and check your spelling with a dictionary Answer every question Make your statements positive Keep your options open

Job Applications Employers do not have a right to ask about the following: Age Disability status Race National origin Gender

References Teachers, counselors, and former employers make good references Key Term: References- People who will recommend you to an employer

Practice To get practice completing job applications, obtain a real-world application from a local company or find one online To do: Complete provided Job Application Have your peer partner check it for neatness and accuracy

Taking tests When you apply for a job, you may have to take one or more of the following tests: Performance or skills test Drug test Polygraph test

Job app. Exit Ticket Give two examples of questions that potential employers do not have the right to ask you on a job application How should you communicate when speaking to a potential employer? Who are some of the most trusted people to use as references?

Preparing a resume A Good resume may get you an interview Resumes are submitted by regular mail, email, or fax Key Term Resume- A brief summary of a job applicant’s personal information, education, skills, work experience, activities, and interests

Preparing a resume If you do not have work experiences on your resume, focus on the skills, education, and training you have. You can list your references or indicate that you will provide them on request Resume Tips: Avoid negative information Keep it brief (one page) It should be typed or word-processed Check spelling, grammar, and usage Evaluate it as though it belonged to someone else Make sure it is well-written and organized

Organizing your resume A chronological resume presents your experience in reverse time order This type of resume shows your growth in experience

Dates of work experience is in reverse order (most recent is listed first)

Organizing your resume A skills resume is organized around skills or strengths This type of resume allows you to highlight your strengths and accomplishments

In a skills resume, you are highlighting the mastery of certain skills In a skills resume, you are highlighting the mastery of certain skills. Mostly used in highly technological areas as seen in this example

Scannable and electronic resumes Some companies only use emailed or electronically submitted resumes Other companies scan paper resumes, copying and storing them electronically. Making your resume easy to scan: Keep the resume clean Use crisp, dark type Avoid italics, underscores, and other formatted type Use white paper Use keywords

Resume exit ticket What is the difference between a chronological and a skills resume? Why would you use one style over the other? When writing your resume, what should you concentrate on if you do not have work experiences to list? List the main components you should include on your resume

Writing cover letters When writing a cover letter, emphasize facts that make you especially well qualified for the job Key Term: Cover Letter- A brief letter that introduces you to the employer and explains why you are sending your resume

Opening Paragraph Body Closing Paragraph

Writing Cover Letters Opening Paragraph – Explains why you are writing Body – Persuades someone to hire you Closing Paragraph – Tells how you will follow up

Writing Cover Letters You Cover Letter should be free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. “Employer Ready” Ask someone to proofread your cover letter

6.2 exit ticket Name three documents you may need when you apply for a job Explain why it is important to use standard English on a job application What are the three main parts of a cover letter and what should you include in each?